other | adj & pron 1. (definite; preceded by “the”, “my”, etc) a. the remaining or the rest of things or persons in a group, yang lain(-lain), yang lain(-lainnya): the guests from Kuantan have arrived, but where are the ~s?, tetamu dr Kuantan sudah tiba, tetapi di mana yang lain-lainnya?; I don’t like Jalil very much, but Faridah’s ~ friends are quite nice, saya tdk begitu menyukai si Jalil itu, tetapi teman-teman Faridah yang lain cukup baik; France and the ~ European nations, Perancis dan negara-negara Eropah yang lainnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
override | vt 1. overrule, menolak: he overrode all their objections, dia menolak semua bantahan mereka; 2. prevail over, mengatasi: this consideration must ~ all others, pertimbangan ini seharusnya mengatasi yg lain-lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | lose the ~ to so., tdk lagi mendahului yg lain; /move, go/ into the ~, mendahului yg lain; take the ~, [various translations]: Japan takes the ~ in technological advancement, Jepun mendahului negara-negara lain dlm kemajuan teknologi; he always takes the ~ at meetings, dia sering mengambil peranan utama dlm mesyuarat-mesyuarat; he took the ~ in opposing the bill, dia mengetuai tindakan menentang rang undang-undang itu; take (over) the ~ from so., mendahului yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | lose the ~ to so., tdk lagi mendahului yg lain; /move, go/ into the ~, mendahului yg lain; take the ~, [various translations]: Japan takes the ~ in technological advancement, Jepun mendahului negara-negara lain dlm kemajuan teknologi; he always takes the ~ at meetings, dia sering mengambil peranan utama dlm mesyuarat-mesyuarat; he took the ~ in opposing the bill, dia mengetuai tindakan menentang rang undang-undang itu; take (over) the ~ from so., mendahului yg lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
conception | n 1. act of forming idea, notion, mengkonsepsikan; 2. notion, idea, konsepsi, tanggapan: different people have different ~s about life, lain orang lain konsepsinya ttg kehidupan; 3. inception of pregnancy, penghamilan, mengandung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | ~ the field, mendahului yg lain: he was ~ing the field at the turn into the straight, dia mendahului yg lain dr selekoh balapan terus ke balapan lurus; Japan ~s the field in car production, Jepun mendahului yg lain dlm pengeluaran kereta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lead 1 | ~ the field, mendahului yg lain: he was ~ing the field at the turn into the straight, dia mendahului yg lain dr selekoh balapan terus ke balapan lurus; Japan ~s the field in car production, Jepun mendahului yg lain dlm pengeluaran kereta; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
incompatible | adj 1. incapable of living, working, etc together, tdk /serasi, secocok, bersesuaian/, tdk /sesuai, cocok/ antara satu sama lain: business partners who are not ~, rakan perniagaan yg tdk sesuai antara satu sama lain; 2. unable to occur, exist etc in harmony, bertentangan; (with each other) bertentangan antara satu sama lain; (tech) tak serasi: his behaviour is ~ with his position, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn kedudukannya; ~ ideas, gagasan yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain; ~ colours, warna yg bertentangan antara satu sama lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
different | adj 1. dissimilar, distinct, berbeza, berlainan: ~ age groups, kumpulan umur yg berbeza; ~ /from, to, (US) than/, /berbeza, berlainan/ drpd: his approach is very ~ from his predecessor’s, pendekatannya sangat berbeza drpd pendekatan orang sebelumnya; /many, several/ ~, berbagai-bagai, bermacam-macam, pelbagai: many ~ varieties of orchids, berbagai-bagai jenis orkid; 2. another, lain: the customer asked for a ~ colour, pelanggan itu meminta warna lain; 3. unusual, lain drpd yg lain: a style that’s ~, gaya yg lain drpd yg lain. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
relish | n 1. enjoyment, pleasure, nikmat: he ate the steak with ~, dia makan stik itu dgn penuh nikmat; 2. zest, keghairahan, ghairah: he repeated the story with great ~, dia mengulangi cerita itu dgn penuh ghairah; 3. st that adds flavour, appetizer, pembuka selera: pickles, chutney and other ~es, jeruk, acar dan pembuka selera yg lain-lain; 4. (usu with negative) liking (for) suka, gemar: I have no ~ for the task, saya tdk suka tugas itu; 5. attractive quality, daya tarikan: without the companionship of friends, life would lose its ~, tanpa kawan, hidup akan kehilangan daya tarikannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |