helter-skelter | adj & adv lintang-pukang, tunggang-langgang: they ran ~ down the hill, mereka lari lintang-pukang menuruni bukit itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | on the ~, a. see from the ~; b. on the side of path furthest from the road, (in country where drivers drive on the left) di sebelah kiri (jalan); (in country where drivers drive on the right) di sebelah kanan (jalan): let me walk on the ~, biar saya berjalan di sebelah kiri; turn st ~ out, membuat sst tunggang-langgang: in looking for his tie he had turned the cupboard ~ out, semasa mencari tali lehernya dia telah membuat almari itu tunggang-langgang; whoever it was had turned the room ~ out, entah siapa orangnya yg telah membuat bilik itu tunggang-langgang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |