pass | isyarat; ~ so. by, a. overlook so., tdk /mempedulikan, mengendahkan, mengacuhkan/ sso: he was tired of being ~ed by and decided to adopt a more aggressive attitude, dia berasa bosan krn tdk diendahkan lantas memutuskan utk mengambil sikap yg lebih agresif; b. go by without affecting, benefiting so., terlepas begitu sahaja; (of life) berlalu begitu sahaja: he let many opportunities ~ him by, dia membiarkan banyak peluang terlepas begitu sahaja; life ~ed him by without bringing him any joy, hidup berlalu begitu sahaja tanpa memberikan keseronokan padanya; ~ st by, disregard or overlook st, [various | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | n 1. natural force that makes things visible, cahaya: the ~ of the sun, cahaya matahari; I see a ~ coming from the garden, saya nampak cahaya dr taman itu; the ~ was beginning to fade and so they stopped painting, cahaya mulai menjadi pudar, lantas mereka pun berhenti melukis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | n 1. natural force that makes things visible, cahaya: the ~ of the sun, cahaya matahari; I see a ~ coming from the garden, saya nampak cahaya dr taman itu; the ~ was beginning to fade and so they stopped painting, cahaya mulai menjadi pudar, lantas mereka pun berhenti melukis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lock 1 | ~ onto st, a. be connected to st, /dihubungkan, disambungkan/ pd sst: how do the carriages ~ onto the engines?, bagaimana gerabak-gerabak itu disambungkan pd kepala kereta api?; b. (of missile etc) find and follow a target, mencari dan menuju sasaran: the missile ~ed onto its target and destroyed it, misil itu mencari dan menuju sasarannya lantas membinasakannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |