indulge | vt 1. yield to, menurutkan, mengikut; (love of, passion for st) memuaskan: she is used to indulging all her desires, dia biasa menurutkan segala kemahuannya; he was able to ~ his love of rich food, dia dapat memuaskan kegemarannya memakan makanan yg lazat-lazat; 2. gratify (so.) by complying with wishes, menurutkan kemahuan; (habitually) memanjakan, menurutkan (segala) kemahuan: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delicious | adj 1. delightful to the senses, a. (of food, taste) lazat, sedap, enak: a ~ meal, hidangan yg lazat; b. (of smell) sedap, enak: the ~ smell coming from the kitchen, bau enak yg datang dr dapur; 2. delightful to the mind, menyeronokkan: a ~ story, cerita yg menyeronokkan; a ~ joke, jenaka yg menyeronokkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excellent | adj cemerlang, sangat baik; ( of cook, teacher, carpenter, etc ) sangat mahir, cemerlang; ( ref to so’s ability to use a language ) sangat baik; ( of meal, cooking ) sungguh /lazat, sedap, enak/: his opening speech was ~, ucapan pembukaannya cemerlang; an ~ student, seorang pelajar yg cemerlang; what an ~ idea!, itu gagasan yg cemerlang; the translation he did is ~, terjemahan yg dibuatnya itu sangat baik; she obtained ~ results in the examination, dia memperoleh keputusan yg cemerlang dlm peperiksaan itu; an ~ photographer, seorang jurugambar yg sangat mahir; he speaks ~ Tagalog, dia bertutur dlm bahasa Tagalog yg sangat baik; that was an ~ meal, masakan itu sungguh lazat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
delectable | adj (liter. ), [various translations]: a ~ tale, cerita yg menyeronokkan; a ~ meal, makanan yg lazat; a ~ voice, suara yg sedap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inner man, inner woman | n 1. soul, batin, jiwa; 2. (jocular) the stomach, selera: delicious food to satisfy the ~, makanan yg lazat utk memuaskan selera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cuisine | n 1. style of cooking, masakan: French ~, masakan Perancis; 2. range of food served, hidangan: a hotel with an excellent ~, hotel yg menyediakan hidangan lazat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ambrosia | n 1. food of the Greek, Roman gods, santapan dewa-dewi; 2. st delightful to smell, bau yg harum; 3. st delightful to taste, makanan yg /lazat, enak, sedap/; 4. see BEE-BREAD. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dainty 1 | adj 1. delicately beautiful, a. (of person) ayu, kecil molek; b. (of thing) cantik: a ~ blouse, sehelai blaus yg cantik; a ~ piece of furniture, perabot yg cantik; 2. easily broken, injured, mudah + approp v: ~ coffee cups, cawan kopi yg mudah pecah; the ~ stalk of the flower, tangkai bunga yg mudah patah; 3. fastidious, cerewet (ttg makanan), memilih makanan: some cats are ~ feeders, sesetengah kucing cerewet ttg makanan; 4. delicious, lazat, sedap, enak. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | the mosque is generally regarded as the most ~ in the country, masjid itu dianggap umum sbg yg paling indah di negara ini; the most ~ of all the holiday resorts, tempat peranginan yg paling indah antara yg ada; you can get a ~ view from the top of Penang Hill, kita dapat melihat pemandangan yg indah dr puncak Bukit Bendera; 2. delighting the ear, merdu, sedap, /sedap, enak/ didengar: she has a ~ voice, suaranya merdu; 3. delighting the sense of taste, sedap, enak, lazat: the food was ~, makanan yg dihidangkan sedap; 4. appealing to the sense of smell, sedap; (of scent) wangi, harum, sedap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |