earlier | adj & adv lebih /awal, dahulu/: you should have told me ~, saudara seharusnya memberitahu saya lebih awal;in an ~ discussion, dlm perbincangan yg lebih awal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
antedate | n /tarikh, tanggal/ yg lebih awal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
corroboration | n sokongan, pembenaran, pentahkikan: the statement was only a ~ of earlier evidence, kenyataan itu hanyalah merupakan suatu pembenaran kpd keterangan yg lebih awal; in ~ of, sbg /menyokong, membenarkan, mentahkikkan/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | vt 1. reserve seat, passage, etc or engage services of, menempah: we have to ~ our seats two days in advance, kita mesti menempah tempat duduk dua hari lebih awal; he ~ed a leading pop group for the party, dia menempah kumpulan pop yg terkenal utk majlis itu; 2. reserve seat, passage for, menempah tiket utk: I’ve ~ed you on the 7 a.m. flight, saya telah menempah tiket utk tuan bagi penerbangan pukul 7.00 pagi; 3. record charges against offender etc, menyaman: the police ~ed him on a charge of speeding, polis menyamannya krn memandu laju; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | c. return to (an earlier point in time), /kembali, balik/ semula: let us ~ back to the point discussed earlier, mari kita kembali semula kpd perkara yg telah dibincangkan lebih awal; d. trace descent, boleh disusul kembali keturunan hingga: his family ~es back to the 18th century, keluarganya boleh disusul kembali keturunannya hingga ke abad ke-18; e. return to activity one was engaged in, semula, kembali, balik: ~ back to sleep, tidur semula; ~ back to work, bekerja semula; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ahead | adv 1. at, in the front, di hadapan: road-works ~, kerja-kerja membaiki jalan di hadapan; 2. in advance, dahulu: he went ~ to see whether the river was navigable, dia pergi dahulu utk memeriksa sama ada sungai itu boleh dilalui; you should plan ~, kamu harus merancang dahulu; 3. to the front, ke hadapan: to walk straight ~, berjalan terus ke hadapan; 4. (colloq) winning, leading, mendahului + approp n: he was ~ on points, dia mendahului peserta lain dr segi kiraan mata; ~ of, a. (in space) mendahului: he walked ~ of us, dia berjalan mendahului kami; b. (in time) lebih /awal, dahulu/: ~ of schedule, lebih awal dr masa yg dijadualkan; we arrived two hours ~ of them, kami tiba dua jam lebih awal drpd mereka; c. (fig.) mendahului: he was ~ of his classmates, dia mendahului kawan-kawan sedarjahnya; to be ~ of o’s time, mendahului zamannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
further | adv 1. in addition, di samping itu, tambahan /lagi, pula/: ~, we find that ..., di samping itu, kami dapati bahawa ...; 2. to a greater degree or extent, more, (dgn) lebih lanjut: we need go no ~ into the matter, kita tdk perlu bercakap lebih lanjut ttg perkara itu; I did not question ~, saya tdk menyoal dgn lebih lanjut; 3. more distant, lebih jauh; (in time) lebih awal: on the ~ side, di sebelah yg lebih jauh; the school is ~ from my house than it is from hers, sekolah itu lebih jauh dr rumah saya kalau dibandingkan dgn rumahnya; he can run ~ than I can, dia dapat berlari lebih jauh drpd saya; ~ back than 1957, lebih awal dr tahun 1957; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ in, a. have fewer hours of daylight, (menjadi) singkat: the evenings drew in as winter approached, waktu malam menjadi singkat apabila musim sejuk hampir tiba; b. arrive, tiba, sampai: the train from Butterworth drew in a few minutes ahead of schedule, kereta api dr Butterworth tiba beberapa minit lebih awal dr jadualnya; ~ so. / in, into/, melibatkan sso dlm: we tried to ~ him into the discussion, kami mencuba melibatkannya dlm perbincangan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
close | vt 1. shut, a. (gen) menutup: please ~ the gate, tolong tutup pintu pagar itu; b. (eyes) memejamkan, menutup; 2. declare not open to the public, menutup: the police ~d the bridge, polis menutup jambatan itu; 3. conclude, menamatkan: he ~d the meeting early, dia menamatkan mesyuarat itu lebih awal; 4. make compact, merapatkan: the soldiers ~d ranks, askar-askar itu merapatkan barisan mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
catch | ~ up on, a. (new development, trend) mengikuti: to ~ up on the latest fashion from Paris, mengikuti fesyen terbaru dr Paris; b. (neglected work, correspondence, etc) menyiapkan: she went to the office an hour early to ~ up on the work she had not done, dia pergi ke pejabat sejam lebih awal utk menyiapkan kerja yg belum dibuatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |