approximately | adv fairly exact, lebih kurang, kira-kira; (in quantity, character, etc) lebih kurang, hampir: the kitten was ~ eight weeks old, anak kucing itu berusia kira-kira lapan minggu; the car costs ~ $17,000, kereta itu berharga kira-kira $17,000; ~ accurate, hampir tepat; ~ what he had hoped for, lebih kurang spt yg diharapkannya; very ~, secara kasar: I have worked out your pay very ~, saya telah mengira gaji kamu secara kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | adj fairly exact, a. (attrib) lebih kurang, kira-kira; (in quantity, amount, value, etc) anggaran: the ~ distance between the two cities is 1,000 kilometres, jarak di antara kedua-dua bandar raya itu lebih kurang 1,000 kilometer; this gives an ~ idea of what is involved in producing a dictionary, ini akan lebih kurang memberikan gambaran ttg kerja-kerja yg terlibat dlm penghasilan sebuah kamus; the ~ value of the land, nilai anggaran tanah itu; can you tell me the ~ number of students in the school?, dapatkah saudara memberitahu saya anggaran jumlah murid di sekolah ini?; b. (pred) anggaran: the figures given are only ~, angka yg diberikan hanya anggaran; ~ to, lebih kurang: a sum of money ~ to what is needed, jumlah wang yg lebih kurang sebanyak yg diperlukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | ~ to, a. (in quantity, number, etc) approp v + /lebih kurang, kira-kira/: the cost of the building is expected to ~ to five million ringgit, harga bangunan itu dianggarkan berjumlah lebih kurang lima juta ringgit; b. (in quality, character, etc), [various translations]: his account of the accident ~s to those of the other witnesses, laporannya ttg kemalangan itu hampir sama dgn yg dibuat oleh saksi-saksi yg lain; a man approximating to that description was seen walking towards the village, seorang lelaki yg seakan-akan sama dgn yg digambarkan telah dilihat berjalan ke arah kampung itu; your latest design ~s to what I imagined the stage to be like, rekaan mutakhir kamu ini seakan-akan sama dgn pentas yg saya bayangkan; ~ st to, see vt (sense 2.). | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
approximate | vt 1. come close to, approach, a. (in quantity, number, etc) approp v + /lebih kurang, kira-kira/: rentals approximating M$18,000 per annum, sewaan yg berjumlah lebih kurang M$18,000 setahun; a cupful ~s eight fluid ounces, satu cawan berukuran lebih kurang lapan auns bendalir; b. (in quantity, character, etc), [various translations]: works of art that ~ perfection, karya seni yg hampir mencapai kesempurnaan; the painting ~s reality, lukisan itu seolah-olah hidup; 2. bring close to, menganggarkan: could you ~ the cost?, bolehkah kamu menganggarkan berapa kosnya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circa | prep /kira-kira, lebih kurang/ dlm tahun: she was born ~ 1138, dia dilahirkan kira-kira dlm tahun 1138. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
just | ~ about, a. on the point of, baru hendak: I was ~ about to knock when the door suddenly flew open, saya baru saja hendak mengetuk apabila pintu itu tiba-tiba dibuka luas; b. approximately, roughly, lebih kurang: he’s ~ about your height, tingginya lebih kurang tinggi kamu; c. almost, hampir: in the big department stores you can buy ~ about anything, di gedung-gedung serba aneka yg besar kita boleh membeli hampir apa saja; the book is ~ about finished, buku itu hampir selesai; it’s ~ about three o’clock, sudah hampir pukul tiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dust | n 1. finely powdered earth, waste matter, habuk, debu: the ~ on the furniture was about half an inch thick, habuk di atas perabot itu lebih kurang setengah inci tebalnya; a cloud of ~, debu yg berterbangan; 2. (of metal) debu: zinc ~, debu zink; gold ~, emas urai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
guess | vt 1. (estimate) mengagak; (form or express tentative opinion based on probabilities) meneka: I ~ his age to be about 50, saya mengagak umurnya lebih kurang 50 tahun; I can only ~ the reason for his bad behaviour, saya hanya dapat mengagak sebab dia berkelakuan buruk begitu; can you ~ what I have in my pocket?, dapatkah kamu meneka apa yg ada di dlm saku saya?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
better1 | compar of GOOD, WELL; for ~ (or) for worse, biar apa pun yg terjadi, tanpa mengira /baik buruknya, baik buruk kesudahannya/; no ~ than, sama spt, lebih kurang: he is no ~ than a thief, dia sama spt pencuri; o’s ~ feelings, kata hati, hati /kecil, nurani/; the ~ part of, hampir semua; (rel to time) hampir: he ate the ~ part of the pie, dia makan hampir semua pai itu; she spent the ~ part of the day shopping, dia menghabiskan hampir sehari membeli-belah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
branch | vi 1. also ~ out, put out, divide into, branches, bercabang: the tree ~ed about 2 metres above the ground, pokok itu bercabang lebih kurang 2 meter dr tanah; 2. also ~ off, fork, bercabang: the road ~es off after the bridge, jalan itu bercabang selepas jambatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |