immoderate | adj berlebih-lebihan; (of demand) melampau, berlebih-lebihan: he is ~ in his spending, dia berbelanja berlebih-lebihan; she spends an ~ amount of time in front of the mirror, dia menghabiskan masa yg berlebih-lebihan di hadapan cermin; these ~ demands cannot possibly be met, tuntutan yg melampau ini tdk mungkin dapat dipenuhi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intemperate | adj (fml) unrestrained, immoderate excess, berlebih-lebihan, keterlaluan: an ~ drinker, orang yg meminum arak berlebih-lebihan; he set about the job with ~ zeal, dia memulakan kerja itu dgn semangat yg berlebih-lebihan; his ~ habits made him unreliable, tabiatnya yg suka minum arak berlebih-lebihan menyebabkan dia tdk dapat dipercayai; her ~ remarks aroused our anger, kata-katanya yg keterlaluan itu membangkitkan kemarahan kami; with ~ haste, dgn terlalu tergesa-gesa: the decision to sell the house was made with ~ haste, keputusan utk menjual rumah itu dibuat dgn terlalu tergesa-gesa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excessive | adj berlebih-lebihan; ( ref to behaviour, attitude ) keterlaluan: she makes ~ demands on my time, dia menuntut masa saya berlebih-lebihan; the restaurant charges ~ prices, restoran itu mengenakan harga yg berlebih-lebihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fulsome | adj berlebih-lebihan: ~ compliments, pujian yg berlebih-lebihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effusive | adj berlebih-lebihan, keterlaluan: ~ compliments, pujian yg berlebih-lebihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ham 2 | vi berlakon secara berlebih-lebihan: an actor who likes to ~, pelakon yg suka berlakon secara berlebih-lebihan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glut | n 1. oversupply, lebihan, kebanjiran: the government compensated the wheat farmers to avoid a ~ in the market, kerajaan memberikan pampasan kpd petani-petani gandum utk mengelakkan lebihan dlm pasaran; 2. too great a quantity, membanjiri: there’s been a ~ of detective programmes on TV lately, rancangan-rancangan penyiasatan membanjiri televisyen kebelakangan ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
extravagant | 4. exaggerated, berlebih-lebihan, keterlaluan, melampau(-lampau): the review was full of ~ praise, ulasan itu penuh dgn pujian yg keterlaluan; having made such ~ claims for their latest product, the company was greatly embarrassed when it fell short of expectations, setelah membuat dakwaan yg berlebih-lebihan ttg keluaran terbaru mereka, syarikat itu berasa amat malu apabila keluaran tersebut tdk seperti yg dijangka. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excess | in ~ of, melebihi: the cost will be in ~ of $5 million, kosnya akan melehi $5 juta; to ~ , berlebih-lebihan: he always drinks to ~, dia selalu minum arak berlebih-lebihan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lavish | 3. extravagant, mewah; (of expenditure etc) berlebih-lebihan: the meal was too ~ for my simple tastes, sajian itu begitu mewah bagi saya yg mempunyai selera yg sederhana; a ~ apartment, pangsapuri mewah; his ~ expenditure, perbelanjaannya yg berlebih-lebihan; a ~ spender, a. a big spender, orang yg berbelanja besar; b. one who spends in a wasteful manner, pemboros; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |