heave | ~ a sigh, a. (indic relief) menarik nafas lega; b. also ~ a groan, mengeluh; ~ the anchor, membongkar sauh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ through, tdk menjadi, gagal: he was relieved when the plan fell ~, dia berasa lega apabila rancangan itu tdk menjadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | ~ /bit, bridle/, pull up a horse, menarik tali kekang; ~ comfort, berasa lega; ~ the line, menentukan batasnya: you must ~ the line somewhere, kamu mesti menentukan batasnya; ~ level, bersaing: as we drew level I could see that he was sweating heavily, apabila kami bersaing, saya nampak bahawa dia bermandi peluh; ~ near, mendekat, merapat, menghampiri + approp n; (of time, event) hampir tiba, sudah hampir: it was only as we drew near that we noticed a second passenger in the car, apabila kami mendekat barulah kami ternampak seorang lagi penumpang di dlm kereta itu; the time for the interview is ~ing near, masa temu duga itu hampir tiba; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easily | adv 1. without difficulty, mudah, senang: stain that is ~ removed, kotoran yg mudah dihapuskan; she is ~ offended, dia mudah tersinggung; 2. without pain, discomfort, dlm keadaan lega: the patient is resting ~ now, pesakit itu sedang berehat dlm keadaan lega; 3. readily, mudah: she smiles ~, dia mudah senyum; 4. at least, sekurang-kurangnya: she is ~ fifty, umurnya sekurang-kurangnya lima puluh tahun; 5. possibly, mungkin: he may ~ change his mind, dia mungkin mengubah fikirannya; 6. undoubtedly, tdk disangsikan lagi: that is ~ the best painting in the room, tdk disangsikan lagi lukisan itulah yg terbaik di dlm bilik ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
application | d. (spreading, dabbing, putting on, etc) membubuh, menyapukan; (tourniquet) pengikatan, mengikatkan: he got some relief after the ~ of the ointment, dia berasa lega sedikit setelah membubuh salap;for external ~ only, utk disapukan sahaja; e. (devoting, employing diligently) menumpukan perhatian, bertekun: by intense ~ to his work he managed to achieve his objectives, dgn menumpukan perhatian sepenuh-penuhnya pd kerjanya dia dapat mencapai matlamatnya; f. (using in reference to so., st) penggunaan: a word of restricted ~, perkataan yg terbatas penggunaannya; 2. relevance, kaitan: the example quoted has little ~ to present circumstances, contoh yg dipetik tdk banyak kaitannya dgn keadaan sekarang; 3. verbal request, permohonan: in his ~ to the judge, semasa membuat permohonan kpd hakim; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breathe | vi 1. respire, bernafas: fish cannot ~ out of water, ikan tdk dapat bernafas di luar air; I can hardly ~ , saya hampir-hampir tdk dapat bernafas; 2. regain breath or composure, bernafas, berasa lega: I can ~ easier now that the work is done, saya dapat bernafas sekarang krn kerja itu sudah selesai; 3. (of air) blow gently, berhembus, berpuput, bertiup lembut: a light wind was breathing, angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa berhembus; 4. live, exist, bernyawa, bernafas, hidup: every animal that ~s on earth setiap haiwan yg hidup di bumi ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breath | as long as I have ~, selagi saya masih /bernafas, hidup/; catch o’s ~, nafas sso tertahan; for a ~ of fresh air, utk menghirup udara /bersih, nyaman/, utk mengambil angin; get o’s ~ (back), /dapat bernafas, berasa lega/ (kembali); have no ~ left, tdk dapat bernafas, tercungap-cungap; hold o’s ~, menahan nafas; in /one, the same/ ~ , dgn satu nafas, sekaligus; lose o’s ~, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah; be out of ~, sesak nafas, susah bernafas, tercungap-cungap, termengah-mengah; save o’s ~, jangan buang masa; take ~, bernafas, berehat utk menghilangkan lelah; take a deep ~, menarik nafas panjang; take so’s ~ away, membuat sso terpegun, menakjubkan sso; / under, below, beneath / o’s ~, perlahan-lahan: he said something under his ~ and left us, dia mengatakan sst perlahan-lahan dan meninggalkan kami. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
easy | adj 1. not difficult (to do, get, achieve, etc) mudah, senang: a passage that is ~ to understand, petikan karangan yg mudah difahami; an ~ task, kerja yg mudah; be ~ prey to, mudah menjadi mangsa kpd; he is not ~ to get on with, tdk mudah bergaul dengannya; 2. comfortable, senang: to have an ~ life, hidup senang; 3. be free from pain, lega: the patient felt ~ after the injection, pesakit itu berasa lega selepas disuntik; 4. relaxed, (of manner etc) bersahaja: gerak lakunya bersahaja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry | adj 1. not watery, kering: come and stand over here where the ground is ~, mari berdiri di tanah yg kering ini; ~ land, land that is not under water (esp the sea) darat: they were relieved when they reached ~ land, mereka berasa lega apabila sampai di darat; 2. not damp or wet, kering: are the clothes ~ yet?, adakah baju-baju itu sudah kering?; he stood in front of the fire until he was ~, dia berdiri di hadapan api sehingga kering; 3. having lost moisture, kering: my lips are ~ and cracked, bibir saya kering dan pecah-pecah; the ground was ~ and dusty, tanah itu kering dan berdebu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ground 1 | debate, etc, perkara, pokok perbicaraan: the lecturer just went over the same ~ without adding anything new, pensyarah itu mengulang perkara yg sama tanpa menambah sst yg baru; be on familiar ~, sst tdk asing: I was relieved when they started talking about local politics – here I was on familiar ~, saya berasa lega apabila mereka mula bercakap ttg politik tempatan – perkara ini tdk asing bagi saya; 8. (often in pl) reason, justification, sebab, alasan: he resigned on the ~s of ill-health, dia berhenti kerja atas sebab-sebab kesihatan; ~s of appeal, alasan rayuan; 9. (in pl) sediment, dregs, keladak, serdak: coffee ~s, keladak kopi; 10. background, a. (in painting) latar; b. (on cloth) tanah: a zig-zag design on a white ~, reka bentuk zig-zag pd tanah berwarna putih; 11. (electr) bumi: ~ adaptor, penyesuai bumi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |