wheel | vi fly round and round in circles, berlegar-legar, berpusing-pusing, berputar-putar: he watched the sea-gulls as they ~ed across the sky, dia melihat burung-burung camar itu berlegar-legar di langit; the plane ~ed over the aerodrome, kapal terbang itu berlegar-legar di atas lapangan terbang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mill | vi; ~ /about, around/, berlegar-legar: hundreds of fans ~ed about in the stadium, beratus-ratus orang peminat berlegar-legar dlm stadium; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lobby | n 1. foyer, entrance hall, ruang legar, lobi: she waited for him in the hotel ~, dia menunggunya di ruang legar hotel; 2. a. group of people who attempt to influence politician etc, kumpulan pelobi: the governor was met by a ~ of environmentalists, gabenor itu telah didatangi oleh sekumpulan pelobi pencinta alam sekitar; b. campaign, lobi: the anti-smoking ~ achieved a ban on smoking in government offices, lobi antirokok berjaya mewujudkan pengharaman merokok di pejabat-pejabat kerajaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foyer | n ruang legar, lobi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sunbeam | n pancaran /cahaya, sinar/ matahari: specks of dust playing in the ~, habuk-habuk yg halus berlegar-legar dlm pancaran cahaya matahari. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sweep | 5. act of moving over an area in order to search, attack, etc, (on land) penggeledahan, menggeledah; (at sea) berlegar-legar: the police made a ~ of the area in an endeavour to trap the bandits, polis menggeledah kawasan itu dlm usaha mereka utk memerangkap penjahat-penjahat tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
prowl | ~ /about, around/, a. move stealthily in search of st, merayau-rayau (mencari + approp n): I think there’s someone ~ing around outside, saya rasa ada orang merayau-rayau di luar; b. move restlessly usu with no fixed purpose, berlegar-legar: she likes to ~ around the antique shop, dia suka berlegar-legar di kedai barang antik itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mid-air | n 1. a point above the ground, udara, angkasa: I felt I was suspended in ~, saya berasa spt terawang-awang di udara; the helicopter hovered in ~, helikopter itu berlegar-legar di angkasa; 2. (attrib) di uda | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assemble | vt 1. bring (persons) together in one place, (act.) mengumpulkan, menghimpunkan; (pass.) berkumpul, berhimpun: he ~d the pupils in the hall, dia mengumpulkan murid-murid itu di dewan; to ~ a large army, mengumpulkan angkatan tentera yg besar; they were all ~d in the foyer, mereka semua berkumpul di ruang legar; 2. bring (things) together in an orderly way, (act.) mengumpulkan; (pass.) terkumpul, terhimpun: to ~ data, mengumpulkan data; 3. fit together the parts of, memasang: he ~d the bookcase with great care, dia memasang almari buku itu dgn teliti sekali; cars ~d in Malaysia, kereta yg dipasang di Malaysia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confusion | n 1. bewilderment, kekeliruan: the two conflicting statements have caused quite a bit of ~, dua kenyataan yg bertentangan itu telah menimbulkan sedikit sebanyak kekeliruan; I could see the ~ on her face when she read the report, saya dapat melihat kekeliruan di wajahnya apabila dia membaca laporan itu; 2. chaos, keadaan /kacau, tdk keruan/: there was ~ after the bomb exploded in the hotel lobby, keadaan tdk keruan setelah bom meletup di ruang legar hotel itu; 3. state of uncertainty, kekeliruan: there was some ~ about the seating arrangements, terdapat kekeliruan ttg susunan tempat duduk; 4. act of mixing up (so., st) kekeliruan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |