game licence | n lesen perburuan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
driving-licence | n lesen memandu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hawk 2 | vi peddle goods, berjaja: you can’t ~ here without a licence, kamu tdk boleh berjaja di sini tanpa lesen; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ham 2 | n 1. (theatr) a. also ham actor, pelakon /lebih aksi, lampau/; b. also ham acting, lakon lampau; 2. also radio ham, operator of amateur radio, jururadio amatur; (attrib), (radio) amatur: ~ radio stations, stesen radio amatur; ~ license, lesen radio amatur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
f ollow | to ~, (restaurant) selepas /ini, itu/: would you like something to ~, sir?, tuan hendak apa-apa lagi selepas ini?; ~ o’s (own) bent, mengikut kecenderungan sso (sendiri); ~ suit, join in, berbuat demikian juga, mengikut: he started to clap and many others ~ed suit, dia mula bertepuk dan ramai yg lain berbuat demikian juga; as ~s, spt yg berikut: the contents are as ~s: $120 in cash, one driver’s licence, three credit cards and various documents, kandungannya adalah spt yg berikut: wang tunai $120, satu lesen memandu, tiga kad kredit dan dokumen-dokumen lain; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expire | vi 1. (liter.) die, meninggal (dunia): the old man ~d during the night, lelaki tua itu menghembuskan nafas terakhir pd waktu malam; 2. come to an end, /tamat, habis/ tempohnya; (colloq) mati: your visa ~s next week, visa tuan akan tamat tempohnya minggu depan; his second term as president has almost ~d, penggal kedua sbg presiden telah hampir tamat tempohnya; I can’t drive you to school. My driving licence has ~d, saya tak dapat menghantar kamu ke sekolah. Lesen memandu saya sudah mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
endorse | vt 1. publicly support, menyokong:the Prime Minister ~d the appeal , Perdana Menteri mengesahkan rayuan itu; his candidature has been ~d by the party, pencalonannya telah disokong oleh parti itu; 2. sign esp o’s name on the back of a cheque etc, menandatangani belakang: she ~d the cheque before handing it over, dia menandatangani belakang cek itu sebelum menyerahkannya; 3. write on the back of (document) mengendors;4. record conviction on (driving licence) mengendors: the police ~ his driving licence, polis mengendors lesen memandunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |