allow | vt 1. permit, a. (by way of concession, permission) membenarkan, mengizinkan: they were not ~ed to discuss the matter, mereka tdk dibenarkan membincangkan perkara itu; ~ me to open the door for you, izinkan saya membuka pintu utk saudari; he was ~ed two cigarettes a day, dia dibenarkan (merokok) dua batang sehari; b. (to enable st to happen) membolehkan, memungkinkan: the driver pulled over to ~ the faster car to pass, pemandu itu memandu keretanya ke tepi utk membolehkan kereta yg lebih laju itu memotongnya; the vents in the wall ~ fresh air to enter the room, liang-liang udara di dinding memungkinkan udara bersih masuk ke dlm bilik; c. (by neglect) membiarkan: she ~ed herself to become sloppy, dia membiarkan dirinya menjadi selekeh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aperture | n lubang, liang; (tech) apertur, bukaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grave 1 | n 1. tomb , kubur; (liter.) pusara; (for royalty, prophet, and venerated national or war hero) makam; (for non-muslim) jirat, kubur; 2. (rhet) death, liang lahad: from the cradle to the ~, dr buaian hingga ke liang lahad; he took his secret with him to the ~, dia membawa rahsia itu bersamanya ke liang lahad; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cradle | from the ~, sejak kecil lagi; from the ~ to the grave, sejak lahir hingga ke liang lahad; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cradle | n 1. (cot) buaian: from the ~ to the grave, dr buaian hingga ke liang lahad; 2. place of origin, tempat bermulanya: Greece was the ~ of democracy, Yunani ialah tempat bermulanya demokrasi; ~ of civilisation, tempat bermulanya tamadun; 3. (of telephone) penatang gagang telefon; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry-eyed | adj tanpa menangis: he watched ~ as the coffin was lowered into the grave, tanpa menangis dia memandang keranda itu diturunkan ke dlm liang kubur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exude | vi (fml) ooze out, (of liquid) merembes keluar, meleleh; (of gas, smell) keluar perlahan-lahan: sweat ~s from every pore, peluh meleleh dr setiap liang roma; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cellular | adj 1. (biol) bersel: ~ tissue, tisu bersel; 2. (of textile) berlubang-lubang, berongga-rongga: ~ material, kain yg berlubang-lubang; 3. having cavities, porous, berongga-rongga, berliang-liang: ~ rocks, batu yg berongga-rongga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
course | n 1. progression, perjalanan: the river meanders in its ~ to the sea, sungai itu berliku-liku dlm perjalanannya ke laut; the ~ of life from the cradle to the grave, perjalanan hidup dr buaian hingga ke liang lahad; 2. path, laluan: the ~ of the hurricane, laluan hurikan; 3. direction, haluan, arah: their ~ was due south, haluan mereka adalah ke selatan; the ship changed ~, kapal itu menukar haluan; 4. circuit, peredaran: the ~ of the moon, peredaraan bulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |