gyrate | vi revolve round a central point, berlegar; (non-technical) berpusing, berputar: the top ~d at a furious speed, gasing itu berputar dgn ligat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dynamo | n 1. (device that produces electricity) dinamo; 2. usu human dynamo, (colloq), (orang yg) ligat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
furious | adj 1. extremely angry, meradang, berang; give so. a ~ look, memandang sso dgn berang; /be, get/ ~ (with, at), naik /radang, berang/; make so. ~, /menjadikan, membuat/ [sso] naik /radang, berang/, /meradangkan, memberangkan /sso; 2. violent, a. (of attack, quarrel) hebat; b. (of blow, knocking) kuat; c. (of storm, sea) mengganas; d. (of temper) menggila; 3. unrestrained in vigour, speed, ligat, kencang: running at a ~ pace, berlari ligat; fast and ~, gegak-gempita: the fun was fast and ~, gegak-gempita seronoknya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crowd | a (whole) ~ (of), ramai; 2. large number (of things) banyak: there was a ~ of books on his table, ada banyak buku di atas mejanya; 3. large group of spectators, penonton: tonight’s ~ is expected to be big, penonton pd malam ini dijangka ramai; 4. (colloq) set, clique, [various translations]: he goes around with the office ~, dia ke sana ke mari dgn kawan-kawan sepejabat; she has started to mix with that fast ~, dia mula bergaul dgn geng yg ligat itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |