browse | vi 1. search idly through a shop etc, melihat-lihat, menengok-nengok: I was browsing in the shop, saya melihat-lihat di kedai itu; 2. feed on grass, meragut + approp n: goats browsing in the field, kambing-kambing yg sedang meragut rumput di padang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
believing | n; seeing is ~, kalau sudah lihat barulah boleh percaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inset | n sisipan: for city centre, see ~, utk peta pusat bandar, lihat sisipan; an ~ map of the delta, peta sisipan delta tersebut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
browse | have a (good) ~, a. search idly through a shop etc, melihat-lihat, menengok-nengok; b. read idly through book etc, membaca-baca; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forgetfulness | n disposition to forget, sifat pelupa: look what has happened because of your ~, lihat apa yg telah terjadi krn sifat pelupamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expression | beyond ~, tdk terperi: from our vantage point, the scenery was beautiful beyond ~, pemandangan di situ cantik tdk terperi kalau di lihat dr kedudukan kami yg baik; find ~ in, be expressed (in words) dinyatakan dgn; (in action) diperlihatkan dgn; (in artistic activity or work) dilahirkan dlm: her disappointment eventually found ~ in tears, kekecewaannya akhirnya diperlihatkan dgn tangisan; the young artist’s anger found ~ in his paintings, rasa marah pelukis muda itu dilahirkan dlm lukisannya; give ~ to o’s feelings, /menyatakan, melahirkan/ perasaan sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fit1 | ~ so. in, /menyelitkan, memasukkan/ + approp n: I’ll see if the doctor can ~ you in on Friday, akan saya lihat sama ada doktor boleh menyelitkan janji temu utk saudara pd hari Jumaat; ~ st in, a. find time for st, menyelitkan sst: I managed to ~ in a visit to the museum while I was in Kuching, semasa saya di Kuching, saya dapat menyelitkan lawatan ke muzium; b. match st, menyesuaikan sst: he’ll try to ~ his plans in with mine, dia akan mencuba menyesuaikan rancangannya dgn rancangan saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
happen | ~ /on, upon/, find by chance, terjumpa: I ~ed upon the book while browsing in the bookshop, saya terjumpa buku itu semasa melihat-lihat di kedai buku; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
figment | n; a ~ of the imagination, khayalan: I’m sure the lady in white that you keep seeing is a ~ of your imagination, saya pasti wanita berpakaian putih yg selalu kamu lihat itu hanyalah khayalanmu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
do | 2. cause to happen, buat, melakukan; (of non-living things) terjadi: what has he ~ne to you? apakah yg telah dilakukannya thdp kamu?; look what the storm had ~ne to the crops!, lihat apa yg terjadi pd tanam-tanaman akibat ribut itu!; 3. (used with “ing” form of verb) meN + base (+ approp n): he’ll ~ the cooking, dia yg akan memasak; who’ll ~ the washing up?, siapakah yg akan mencuci pinggan mangkuk?; 4. produce, make, [various translations]: to ~ a biography of the President, menulis biografi Presiden itu; to ~ a translation of the text, membuat terjemahan teks itu or menterjemahkan teks itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |