coil | n 1. st wound in loops, gelung: a ~ of rope on the deck, segelung tali di atas geladak; a ~ of wire, segelung wayar; 2. single loop in a series of loops, lingkaran: the ~s of a python, lingkaran seekor ular sawa; a mosquito ~, lingkaran ubat nyamuk; 3. spiral-like shape, gelung(an): a ~ of hair, gelungan rambut; 4. arrangement of pipes as in radiator etc, gelung; 5. (electr) gegelung; 6. intra-uterine contraceptive device, gelung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circle | n 1. perfectly round figure, bulatan: the centre of a ~, pusat bulatan; drawing ~s in the sand, melukis bulatan pd pasir; to cut out a large ~ of cloth, memotong sekeping bulatan besar dr kain; the children joined hands and formed a ~, kanak-kanak itu berpegang tangan dan membuat satu bulatan; 2. halo, ring, lingkaran: the ~ of light around the moon, lingkaran cahaya di keliling bulan; a ~ of trees, selingkaran pokok; 3. see CYCLE; 4. (theatr) tempat duduk utama; 5. ring of a circus, gelanggang; 6. (geog) bulatan: the Arctic C~, Bulatan Artik; 7. (of road) bulatan; 8. set, group, lingkungan: in political ~s, dlm lingkungan ahli politik; 9. sphere, lingkungan: sports is not within my ~ of interest, sukan bukan dlm lingkungan minat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
band2 | n 1. strip, pita: there were steel ~s fastening the crate, ada pita keluli yg membebat peti kayu itu; a cigar with a gold ~, cerutu yg dililit dgn pita berwarna emas; hair ~, cekak rambut; 2. stripe, a. (circular) lingkaran: red and white ~s around the bird’s neck, lingkaran merah putih pd leher burung itu; b. (linear) jalur, loreng, belang: the black and white ~s of the zebra, jalur hitam putih pd tubuh kuda belang; 3. (ring) cincin belah rotan; 4. (rel to radio etc) frequency, jalur: medium wave ~, jalur gelombang sederhana; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halo | n 1. circle of light around moon, sun, halo; 2. circle of light drawn around Christ, saint, gambaran lingkaran cahaya; 3. (fig.) aura of glory etc around so. or st, suasana (+ approp n): the discovery of new documents shattered the ~ of romance surrounding King Arthur, penemuan dokumen-dokumen baru menghancurkan suasana romans yg menyelubungi Raja Arthur; the ~ surrounding kings and queens, suasana kebesaran yg melingkungi raja-raja dan permaisuri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
laurel | n1. (tree), (pokok) laurel; 2. (in pl) wreath of laurel leaves, lingkar(an) daun laurel: the Roman hero was crowned with ~s, pahlawan Rom itu dimahkotai dgn lingkaran daun laurel; 3. (in pl), (fig.) honour, penghargaan: he took all the credit but the ~s really belong to his staff, dia membolot segala pujian tetapi penghargaan itu sebenarnya milik kakitangannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |