confine | n (often in pl) 1. lingkungan (batas): within the ~s of the farm, di dlm lingkungan batas kebun itu; 2. (fig.) batas: knowledge beyond the ~s of human understanding, pengetahuan di luar batas pemahaman manusia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ambit | n 1. extent of action, influence etc, lingkungan, bidang (+ approp n ): such matters are not within the ~ of your duties, perkara-perkara begitu tdk termasuk dlm lingkungan tugas saudara; misconception as to the ~ of this legislation, salah tanggapan thdp lingkungan undang-undang ini; 2. circumference, lingkungan: within the ~ of a kilometre, dlm lingkungan satu kilometer; 3. boundary, limits, sempadan: the land that lies within the ~ of the kingdom, kawasan yg terletak dlm sempadan negara itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
circle | n 1. perfectly round figure, bulatan: the centre of a ~, pusat bulatan; drawing ~s in the sand, melukis bulatan pd pasir; to cut out a large ~ of cloth, memotong sekeping bulatan besar dr kain; the children joined hands and formed a ~, kanak-kanak itu berpegang tangan dan membuat satu bulatan; 2. halo, ring, lingkaran: the ~ of light around the moon, lingkaran cahaya di keliling bulan; a ~ of trees, selingkaran pokok; 3. see CYCLE; 4. (theatr) tempat duduk utama; 5. ring of a circus, gelanggang; 6. (geog) bulatan: the Arctic C~, Bulatan Artik; 7. (of road) bulatan; 8. set, group, lingkungan: in political ~s, dlm lingkungan ahli politik; 9. sphere, lingkungan: sports is not within my ~ of interest, sukan bukan dlm lingkungan minat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
compass | n 1. instrument for determining directions, kompas; 2. (often in pl) instrument for taking measurements and drawing circles, kompas: a pair of ~es, sepasang kompas; 3. range, extent, lingkungan: within the ~ of our research programme, dlm lingkungan rancangan penyelidikan kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entreé | n 1. right or privilege of admission, masuk: their wealth gives them an ~ into upper-class society, kekayaan membolehkan mereka masuk dlm lingkungan atasan; 2. (dish ) entree. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
girdle | n 1. woman’s corset, korset, bengkung; 2. belt or band, /tali, ikat/ pinggang, sabuk, kendit; 3. (liter.) st that encircles, lingkungan: a ~ of trees around the lake, selingkungan pokok mengelilingi tasik; 4. (anat) girdel: pelvic ~, girdel pelvik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eighty | adj & n 1. (cardinal number), /lapan, delapan/ puluh; 2. (in pl) the years 80 to 89, lapan puluhan: she is in her eighties, umurnya dlm lingkungan lapan puluhan; novels of the eighties, novel-novel tahun lapan puluhan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |