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Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata litar 1

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

circuitn 1. track for motor racing, litar; 2. regular round, perlitaran: judges who go on ~, hakim-hakim yg melakukan perlitaran; 3. sequence of sporting events, pertandingan litar: international golf ~, pertandingan litar golf antarabangsa; 4. (electr) litar; 5. round journey, pusingan: he managed to run five ~s of the track, dia dapat berlari lima pusingan balapan itu; make a ~ of, mengelilingi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
short n 1. (colloq) short circuit, litar pintas: the blackout was caused by a ~, bekalan elektrik terputus disebabkan litar pintas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
short-circuitvt 1. cause a short-circuit in, mengakibatkan litar pintas pd: the technician dropped his spanner into the maze of wiring and ~ed the whole telephone system, sepana juruteknik itu terjatuh ke dlm rangkaian wayar dan mengakibatkan litar pintas pd keseluruhan sistem telefon;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
electricn (in pl) 1. electric circuit, litar elektrik; 2. electric appliances, alat-alat elektrik.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
operationn 1. a. planned activity, operasi; (of business) kegiatan perniagaan, operasi (perniagaan, perusahaan): he was involved in the rescue ~, dia terlibat dlm operasi menyelamat itu; the insurance company’s ~s have been suspended, kegiatan perniagaan syarikat insurans itu telah digantung; open-market ~, operasi pasaran terbuka; b. complicated activity or series of action, kerja: several of these ~s are repeated for each circuit, beberapa kerja ini diulang dlm setiap litar; 2. (mil) operasi: O~ Gonzales, Operasi Gonzales; military ~s in South-East Asia, operasi tentera di Asia Tenggara;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
overloadvt 1. (usu pass.) put too great a load on, (act.) menyaratkan; (pass.) sarat (dgn + approp n): many drivers ~ their trucks, banyak pemandu yg menyaratkan lori-lori mereka; an ~ed mule, baghal yg sarat dgn muatan; according to the report, the boat was ~ed (with people), mengikut laporan itu, kapal terbang tersebut sarat dgn penumpang; 2. (electr) mempunyai beban lebih: the fuse will blow if the circuit is ~ed, fius itu akan terbakar jika litar mempunyai beban lebih.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
earthn 1. (planet) bumi: the ~ revolves round the sun, bumi beredar mengelilingi matahari; 2. material world, dunia, muka bumi: our life on this ~ is brief, hidup kita di dunia ini singkat sahaja; 3. ground, bumi: the plane nosedived and crashed to the ~, kapal terbang itu menjunam lalu terhempas ke bumi; 4. soil, tanah: to fill a pot with ~, mengisi pasu dgn tanah; 5. animal hole, lubang (tempat tinggal binatang); 6. (electr) litar bumi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
live 2 adj 1. alive, living, hidup: ~ snakes, ular-ular hidup; 2. not yet exploded, hidup: ~ bombs, bom-bom hidup; 3. (of coal, ember, etc) glowing or burning, hidup; 4. (of show, performance) di hadapan penonton, secara langsung: I attended Anita Sarawak’s first ~ performance, saya menghadiri persembahan Anita Sarawak yg pertama di hadapan penonton; 5. (of a broadcast) transmitted while actually happening, secara /langsung, terus/: a ~ coverage of the Miss Universe constest, liputan secara terus pertandingan Miss Universe; 6. (of wire, electrical equipment, etc) charged with electricity, hidup: a ~ circuit, litar hidup; 7. of current interest, hangat: the nuclear threat is still very much a ~ issue, ancaman nuklear masih menjadi isu hangat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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