gap | 3. interval of time, lompang, renggang: there’s a ~ of ten years in our documentation work, terdapat lompang selama sepuluh tahun dlm kerja-kerja dokumentasi kita; the age ~, /jarak, perbezaan/ umur; 4. interval of silence, terhenti seketika: there was a ~ in the conversation, perbualan terhenti seketika; 5. deficiency, lompang, kekosongan; (brought on by death of a loved one) kekosongan: there are wide ~s in my knowledge of this subject, ada lompang yg besar dlm pengetahuan saya ttg subjek ini; his death leaves a ~ that is hard to fill, kematiannya meninggalkan kekosongan yg sukar diisi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lacuna | n blank, gap esp in a piece of writing, lompang: there were many ~s in the manuscript, terdapat lompang yg banyak dlm manuskrip itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflationary gap | n /jurang, lompang/ inflasi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
going | n 1. departure, pemergian: his ~ will create a power vacuum in the organization, pemergiannya akan meninggalkan lompang kuasa dlm organisasi itu; 2. condition of road, track, etc, keadaan + approp n: the ~ at Doncaster is firm today, keadaan balapan di Doncaster kejap hari ini; 3. condition of travel, perjalanan: the path over the pass was very rough ~ because of the heavy rain, perjalanan di jalan kecil di genting itu sangat sukar disebabkan hujan lebat; the ~ is hard in this weather, perjalanan sukar dlm cuaca begini; 4. conditions that affect o’s ability, keadaan (approp n): if the ~ gets tough, give me a call, jika keadaan menjadi sulit, telefonlah saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gap | /bridge, close /the ~, merapatkan jurang (perbezaan): a programme aimed at closing the ~ between the rich and the poor, rancangan yg bertujuan utk merapatkan jurang perbezaan antara yg kaya dan yg miskin; /fill, stop/ a ~, mengisi /kekosongan, lompang/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | vt 1. make full, (lit. & fig.) mengisi: please ~ that bucket with water, tolong isi baldi itu dgn air; to ~ the tyre with air, mengisi tayar dgn angin; you shouldn’t ~ your head with useless facts, lebih baik jangan isi kepalamu dgn fakta-fakta yg tdk berguna; your latest article ~ed a major gap in our knowledge, makalah terbarumu mengisi lompang yg besar dlm pengetahuan kita; ~ st full, memenuhkan sst, mengisi sst hingga penuh; 2. occupy the whole of, memenuhi: smoke ~ed the theatre, asap memenuhi panggung itu; the whole house was ~ed with rock music, seluruh rumah itu dipenuhi muzik rock; laughter suddenly ~ed the room, tiba-tiba gelak kewa memenuhi ruang bilik itu; the problem ~s his mind, masalah itu memenuhi fikirannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |