loosen | vi 1. become less tight, menjadi longgar: the knot will ~ if you pull this end, simpul ini akan menjadi longgar jika hujung ini ditarik; “Why is the chair wobbly?” “A few screws have ~ed”, Kenapa kerusi ini goyang?” “Ada beberapa skru telah menjadi longgar”; 2. often ~ up, become less rigid, menjadi longgar: discipline ~ed considerably in the school, disiplin di sekolah itu menjadi agak longgar; 3.(of skin) sag, mengendur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
roomy | adj lapang; (of garment) longgar: a ~ flat, flat yg lapang; a ~ raincoat, baju hujan yg longgar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
loose | c. (of knot, belt, etc) longgar: the knot was too ~ and came undone, simpulan itu terlalu longgar dan terbuka; d. (of window, door) goyah, goyang: that window is a bit ~ and it rattled all night, tingkap itu agak goyang dan berdetar-detar sepanjang malam; e. (of tile, floorboard) hampir /terkopek, lekang/: one of the tiles is ~ and needs to be stuck back, satu drpd jubin itu hampir terkopek dan mesti dilekatkan balik; f. (of skin) kendur: the skin around the old woman’s neck is ~ and flabby, kulit di keliling leher perempuan tua itu kendur dan menggeleber; i membaling bola dgn kurang baik, dia dikeluarkan oleh ketua pasukan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
slack | 2. not firm, lax, kendur, longgar: discipline is ~ in the school, disiplin di sekolah itu kendur; control on expenditure has been much too ~, kawalan perbelanjaan terlalu longgar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
looseness | n 1. quality or state of being loose, a. lack of tightness, kelonggaran, longgar: he could feel a ~ in the steering, dia dapat merasakan bahawa stering itu longgar; b. (of organization, administration) tdk adanya kawalan rapi: the ~ of the organization’s structure has both advantages and disadvantages, tdk adanya kawalan rapi dlm struktur organisasi itu ada kebaikannya dan keburukannya; 2. lack of precision, ketidaktepatan, tdk tepat: he criticized the ~ of their arguments, dia mengkritik hujah mereka yg tdk tepat; ~ of expression, ketidaktepatan ungkapan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
weave | n style of weaving, tenunan: a loose or tight ~, tenunan yg longgar atau ketat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shoe | 2. also horseshoe ladam, tapal: my horse has a loose ~, ladam kuda saya longgar; 3. part of brake, kasut (brek); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lax | adj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lax | adj 1. negligent, not strict, a. (of rules etc) tdk /ketat, longgar/: ~ security, kawalan tdk ketat; the regulations were ~ and supervision minimal, peraturan tdk ketat dan pengawasannya sangat sedikit; b. of a person’s, i. (performance) tdk tegas: lately, the teacher has been ~ and standards have slipped, kebelakangan ini, guru itu tdk tegas dan mutu pelajaran telah menurun; ii. (attitude towards looks) cuai menjaga: she has become ~ about her appearance, dia cuai menjaga rupanya; iii. morals, rendah; 2. (of bowels) lawas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
work | 13. reach a specific condition gradually, [not translated]: the screws had ~ed loose, skru-skru itu telah longgar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |