attic | n loteng, peran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
garret | n bilik loteng. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fusty | adj 1. musty, mouldy, (berbau) hapak: the attic was ~, loteng itu berbau hapak; 2. old-fashioned, kolot: a ~ old professor, profesor tua yg kolot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
against | 7. in sudden contact with, pada: she hit her head ~ the low beam of the attic, kepalanya terhantuk pada alang loteng yg rendah itu; 8. towards so as to hit, ke: he threw the ball ~ the wall, dia melemparkan bola itu ke dinding; 9. having as background, berlatarbelakangkan: the trees were dark ~ the bright sky, pokok-pokok kelihatan gelap berlatarbelakangkan langit yg cerah; electric blue ~ the red, warna biru elektrik berlatarbelakangkan warna merah; 10. compared with, berbanding dgn: net profits of two dollars a share ~ ninety cents last year, keuntungan bersih sebanyak dua dolar setiap saham berbanding dgn sembilan puluh sen tahun lepas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grub | ~ about, a. busy os and getting dirty in the process, sibuk bergelumang dgn (+ approp n); (of dog) menyelongkar; (of pig) menyungkur: father was ~bing about in the garden when guests arrived, bapa sedang sibuk bergelumang dgn tanah di kebunnya sewaktu tetamu tiba; b. look for in an unsystematic manner, menyelongkar: he unearthed the photographs after ~bing about in the attic for days, dia mendapat gambar-gambar itu selepas menyelongkar loteng berhari-hari; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
encumber | vt 1. hinder, impede, menghalang, menghambat: her laziness ~ed her efforts to learn, kemalasannya menghalang usahanya utk belajar; his wet clothes ~ed his progress, bajunya yg basah menghalang kemaraannya; 2. burden, membebani: she ~ed her husband with parcels, dia membebani suaminya dgn bungkusan; to be ~ed with debts, dibebani hutang; 3. fill with superfluous, useless matter, berserabut: the attic was ~ed with boxes and old furniture, loteng itu berserabut dgn kotak-kotak dan perabot lama; a mind ~ed with all sorts of problems, fikiran yg berserabut dgn segala macam masalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |