innermost | adj 1. a. farthest in, paling jauh ke dlm: the ~ part of the cave, bahagian gua yg paling jauh ke dlm; b. central, di tengah-tengah, (paling) tengah, tengah sekali: the ~ room of the palace, bilik istana yg di tengah-tengah; 2. most private, [various translations]: she was afraid to reveal her ~ feelings, dia takut utk menunjukkan perasaan yg terpendam dlm lubuk hatinya; writing his ~ thoughts in his diary..., menulis isi hatinya dlm buku harian...; it was his ~ belief that..., dlm hati kecilnya dia percaya bahawa...; in the ~ recesses of her heart, jauh di lubuk hatinya; ~ being, hati kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
breast | n 1. upper front part of human body, corresponding part of animal, dada: a soldier shot in the ~, askar yg tertembak di dada; a bird with a yellow ~, burung yg berdada kuning; 2. mammary gland in female, buah dada, susu, tetek; 3. part of garment covering the chest, (bahagian) dada: the ~ of a jacket, bahagian dada jaket; 4. source of emotions, hati: a troubled ~, hati yg gundah-gulana; deep in o’s ~,lubuk hati/ sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |