fat | 4. fertile, subur: ~ pastures, padang ragut yg subur; 5. profitable, menguntungkan; (of profit) lumayan, besar; (of job) bergaji /lumayan, besar/: the tourist industry has had a ~ year, tahun ini merupakan tahun yg menguntungkan bagi industri pelancongan; ~ profits, keuntungan besar; he’s got himself a ~ job, dia memperoleh kerja yg bergaji lumayan; 6. richly rewarding, besar: he was given a ~ part in the play, dia diberi peranan yg besar dlm lakon itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comfortable | adj 1. giving physical comfort, selesa; (of income) lumayan: the chair looks ~, kerusi ini nampak selesa; a ~ dress, baju yg selesa; a ~ hotel, hotel yg selesa; 2. at ease, selesa: he doesn’t feel ~ in her company, dia berasa tdk selesa apabila bersama gadis itu; I am ~ in these new shoes, saya selesa memakai kasut baru ini; 3. not feeling much pain, hardship, grief, etc, berasa senang; (of so. who is ill) dlm keadaan baik: I will only be ~ once I know they are safe, saya hanya akan berasa senang apabila saya tahu mereka selamat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
boot2 | n; to ~, dan juga, serta: he was offered an excellent salary and living quarters to ~, dia ditawarkan gaji yg lumayan dan juga tempat kediaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
draw | 11. disembowel, mengeluarkan isi perut; 12. also ~ out, withdraw, mengeluarkan: ~ing money from a bank, mengeluarkan wang dr bank; 13. cash, menunaikan: I drew a cheque on our joint account, saya menunaikan cek dr akaun bersama kami; 14. earn, mendapat: the workers here ~ good wages, pekerja-pekerja di sini mendapat gaji yg lumayan; 15. pick out by chance, mencabut: they decided it by ~ing lots, mereka membuat keputusan dgn mencabut undi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |