grind | ~ away (at st), bertungkus-lumus + approp v: their final-year exam is just two weeks away so they are ~ing away at it, peperiksaan akhir tahun mereka hanya dua minggu lagi, jadi mereka bertungkus-lumus mengulang kaji; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
labour | vi 1. work hard, strive for st, bekerja /bertungkus-lumus, keras/: he ~ed from dawn until dark to get the harvest in, dia bekerja keras dr subuh hingga ke senja utk menuai dan mengumpulkan hasil tanaman; 2. a. advance with difficulty, bersusah payah + approp v; (of car) merangkak; (of ship) berhempas pulas: she ~ed up the stairs carrying two suitcases, dia bersusah payah memanjat tangga dgn membawa dua buah beg pakaian; the ship ~ed through the stormy seas, kapal itu berhempas-pulas menempuh lautan yg bergelora; b. struggle, bergelut: students ~ing through a chemistry exam, penuntut-penuntut yg sedang bergelut menghadapi ujian kimia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | ~ out, (colloq) a. with all o’s strength, bermati-matian, bertungkus-lumus, berhempas pulas; b. at full speed, selaju-lajunya, secepat-cepatnya: because we were late we drove ~ out all the way to the airport, disebabkan kami terlewat, kami memandu selaju-lajunya ke lapangan terbang; c. exhausted, sangat letih; knock (so.) ~, /menumbangkan, merebahkan/ sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battle | ~ for, a. compete for, bertarung utk + approp v: the two teams will ~ for the World Cup tonight, kedua-dua pasukan itu akan bertarung utk merebut Piala Dunia malam ini; b. struggle for, /berjuang, bertungkus-lumus/ utk + approp v: an oppressed group battling for its rights, golongan tertindas yg berjuang utk mempertahankan hak mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ at, a. rush at, menerkam: the dog went at the boy, anjing menerkam budak lelaki itu; b. condemn, attack, menghentam: the newspapers went at the new presidential candidate, akhbar-akhbar menghentam calon yg baru utk jawatan presiden; c. work hard at (st) bertungkus-lumus dlm: he’s a man who’ll ~ at his job for all he’s worth, dia lelaki yg akan bertungkus-lumus dlm pekerjaannya seberapa daya yg boleh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ over, a. fall forward, tersungkur: he slipped and fell over, dia tergelincir lalu tersungkur; b. fall from upright to horizontal position, tumbang: the book rack fell over with a loud crash, rak buku itu tumbang dgn bunyi yg kuat; ~ over os, (colloq) bertungkus lumus; ~ over backwards, see BEND (bend over backwards); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flog | vt 1. beat severely, (with whip) menyebat, menyesah, melibas, membelasah; (with stick) membantai, membalun, membelasah: I’ll ~ the laziness out of him, saya akan menyebatnya supaya dia tdk malas lagi; ~ a dead horse, (colloq) mencari jejak dlm air; ~ st to death, (colloq) mengulangi sst berkali-kali sehingga + approp adj: he’d already ~ged the joke to death so nobody smiled, dia telah mengulangi jenaka itu berkali-kali sehingga tdk seorang pun yg senyum; ~ os to death, bekerja bermati-matian, bertungkus-lumus; 2. (UK), (colloq) sell, menjual: I had to ~ my car to pay your fine, saya terpaksa menjual kereta saya utk membayar denda kamu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |