inexpert | adj (unskillful) tdk /mahir, cekap/: he is ~ as a typist, dia tdk mahir sbg jurutaip; they laughed at his ~ attempts to chop the log, mereka ketawa melihat percuba-annya yg tdk mahir utk memotong kayu; ~ /advice, guidance/, /nasihat, bimbingan/ orang yg tdk ahli. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adept | adj 1. skilled, mahir: an ~ mechanic, seorang mekanik yg mahir; 2. very clever, pandai, pintar: ~ at making excuses, pandai berbuat helah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
craft | vt (pass) approp v + dgn mahir: a superbly ~ed novel, novel yg ditulis dgn mahir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
expert | adj 1. specialist, pakar, orang yg ahli: ~ advice, nasihat pakar; ~ treatment, rawatan pakar; 2. very skilled, mahir: an ~ mahjong player, pemain mahjung yg mahir; be ~ /at, in/ pandai: she is ~ at digging out facts, dia pandai mencungkil maklumat; 3. trained, mahir: she ran ~ eyes over the child, dia melihat sekali lalu anak itu dgn mata yg mahir; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handy | adj 1. skilful, cekap, mahir: to be ~ with an axe, cekap menggunakan kapak; ~ with a needle (and thread), pandai menjahit; have a ~ way with st, /cekap, mahir/ mengendalikan sst: the new farmhand has a ~ way with horses, pekerja ladang yg baru itu cekap mengendalikan kuda; ~ around the house, boleh membuat kerja-kerja rencam; 2. useful, convenient, (sst yg) berguna: the food blender is a very ~ thing to have in the house, pengadun makanan ialah sst yg sangat berguna di rumah; 3. easy to handle, manoeuvre, mudah digunakan; (of a car) mudah dibawa: a ~ tool, alat yg mudah digunakan; 4. (colloq) within easy reach, dekat: the school is quite ~, sekolah itu agak dekat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
eloquent | adj 1. skilled in use of language, mahir menggunakan bahasa; (of orator) pandai /berucap, berpidato, bertutur/: he is a very ~ writer, dia pengarang yg sangat mahir menggunakan bahasa; 2. (of person, language ), (fluent) petah, fasih, lancar; (moving) mengharukan, memilukan; (persuasive, forceful) meyakinkan, berkesan: an ~ description of the miserable plight of the refugees, gambaran yg mengharukan ttg kesengsaraan orang-orang pelarian itu; 3. vividly expressive (of st) mencerminkan: her dark, haunted eyes, ~ of the terrors through which she had lived, matanya yg hitam dan penuh kengerian mencerminkan kezaliman yg pernah dilaluinya; 4. full of meaning, bermakna, penuh makna: a single, malevolent glance from his steely blue eyes was more ~ than an hour of Hitler’s mad oratory, kerlingan matanya yg biru waja yg membayangkan niat jahatnya, lebih bermakna drpd sejam penuh pidato gila Hitler. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
artist | n 1. so. who practises one of the fine arts, seniman, artis; 2. so. who displays artistic skill in his work, (orang yg) mahir: an ~ in words, orang yg mahir menggunakan kata-kata; an ~ in bricklaying, orang yg mahir mengatur batu-bata; 3. see ARTISTE; 4. (sl) so. devoted to or good at st, kaki: booze ~, kaki botol; con ~, kaki tipu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
able | adj berkebolehan; (in a given skill) mahir: an ~ politician, seorang ahli politik yg berkebolehan; one of the more ~ students in the class, salah seorang penuntut yg lebih berkebolehan dlm darjahnya; an ~ carpenter, tukang kayu yg mahir; be ~ to, a. (gen) dapat, boleh: be ~ to speak four languages, dapat bertutur dlm empat bahasa; be ~ to walk, dapat berjalan; b. have right, power, etc to, boleh: only Parliament is ~ to make laws, hanya Parlimen yg boleh menggubal undang-undang; c. have financial means to, mampu, dapat: she was ~ to pay the rent, dia mampu membayar sewa itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
excellent | adj cemerlang, sangat baik; ( of cook, teacher, carpenter, etc ) sangat mahir, cemerlang; ( ref to so’s ability to use a language ) sangat baik; ( of meal, cooking ) sungguh /lazat, sedap, enak/: his opening speech was ~, ucapan pembukaannya cemerlang; an ~ student, seorang pelajar yg cemerlang; what an ~ idea!, itu gagasan yg cemerlang; the translation he did is ~, terjemahan yg dibuatnya itu sangat baik; she obtained ~ results in the examination, dia memperoleh keputusan yg cemerlang dlm peperiksaan itu; an ~ photographer, seorang jurugambar yg sangat mahir; he speaks ~ Tagalog, dia bertutur dlm bahasa Tagalog yg sangat baik; that was an ~ meal, masakan itu sungguh lazat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dauber | n pelukis yg tdk mahir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |