far | ~ from it, malahan sso + approp adj: he is not a fool; ~ from it, dia bukannya bodoh; malahan dia pandai; ~ gone, a. be very ill, keadaan [sso] terlalu teruk: there’s no way of saving him, he is too ~ gone, dia tdk dapat diselamatkan krn keadaannya terlalu teruk; b. be very drunk, terlalu mabuk; c. be mad, (sudah) gila; d. be very much in debt, hutang [sso] terlalu banyak: he is ~ gone in debt, dia terlalu teruk dibebani hutang; ~ into the night, hingga /larut, jauh/ malam: they talked ~ into the night, mereka berbual hingga larut malam; ~ off, jauh; as ~ as, setakat; (in distance) sejauh: he will help you as ~ as he can, dia akan menolongmu setakat yg dia mampu; as ~ as the eye can see, sejauh mata memandang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
event | at all ~s, in any ~, in spite of everything, anyway, bagaimanapun; in that ~, jika itu berlaku; in the ~, in fact, as it happened, malahan: in the ~, the problem didn’t arise, malahan, masalah itu tdk timbul; in the ~ of, /sekiranya, jika, kalau/ berlaku: in the ~ of fire, the children could leave the building through the rear door, sekiranya berlaku kebakaran, kanak-kanak itu boleh meninggalkan bangunan melalui pintu belakang;in the ~ that, /sekiranya, jika, kalau/: in the ~ that they turn you down let me know, sekiranya mereka menolak permohonanmu, beritahu saya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
condescend | v 1. (derog) behave patronizingly, bersikap meninggikan diri: she never ~s to her employees, instead treats them as equals, dia tdk pernah bersikap meninggikan diri thdp pekerja-pekerjanya, malahan dia menganggap mereka sbg setaraf dengannya; 2. (derog) do st one considers below o’s position, berkenan; (ironical) menjatuhkan darjat sso: he actually ~ed to sit beside me, dia berkenan utk duduk di sebelah saya; perhaps your uncle would ~ to help me clean up this mess, sudi agaknya bapa saudara kamu menjatuhkan darjatnya untuk menolong saya membersihkan kotoran ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fact | apart from the ~ that, selain: apart from the ~ that there was economic recession, the company was also beset by internal problems, selain berlakunya kemelesetan ekonomi, syarikat itu juga menghadapi masalah dalaman; as a matter of ~, in (point of) ~, a. in reality, (yg) sebenarnya: he was not at home, as a matter of ~ he was with me all the time, dia tdk ada di rumah, sebenarnya dia berada bersama-sama saya sepanjang waktu itu; b. indeed, malahan, bahkan: the company hasn’t done well, as a matter of ~ it will wind up soon, syarikat itu tdk berjalan lancar, malahan syarikat itu akan ditutup; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | ~ and away, by ~, a. (with compar) jauh: he was ~ and away the richer of the two, dia jauh lebih kaya drpd yg seorang lagi; b. (with superl), [not translated]: it was by ~ the best film I had ever seen, filem itu adalah yg terbaik yg pernah saya tonton; ~ and wide, a. everywhere, di merata-rata tempat; b. to all, many places, directions, ke merata-rata tempat; ~ be it from me to, saya sekali-kali tdk mahu: ~ be it from me to interfere, saya sekali-kali tdk mahu masuk campur; ~ from, bukannya: he is ~ from well, dia bukannya sihat; ~ from hindering me, you have helped, kamu bukannya menghalang saya, malahan kamu telah membantu saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |