compare | ~ /favourably, unfavourably/ with, /se + approp adj, tdk se + <i>approp adj/i> dgn: <i>his essays ~d favourably with Paine’s and Hazlitt’s,i> esei-eseinya setanding dgn esei Paine dan Hazlitt; /cannot, does not/ ~ with, tdk /se + <i>approp adj,i> dapat dibandingkan dgn/: <i>the course ~d unfavourably with the one we attended in Manila,i> kursus itu tdk sebaik kursus yg kami hadiri di Manila; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
contact | <i>ni> 1. <i>act of touching,i> sentuhan, menyentuh: <i>the disease is spread by ~,i> penyakit itu merebak melalui sentuhan; <i>the mine will explode on ~,i> periuk api itu akan meletup apabila disentuh; 2. <i>state of being in touch,i> hubungan: <i>~ has been reestablished with the cholera-stricken area,i> hubungan telah diadakan semula dgn kawasan yg ditimpa wabak taun itu; 3. <i>person one contacts, contacted for st,i> orang hubungan: <i>our business ~s in Manila,i> orang hubungan perniagaan kami di Manila; 4. (<i>electri>) <i>connection,i> sentuhan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |