enkindle | vt (fml or old-fashioned), cause to flare up, (act.) memarakkan, menyemarakkan; (pass.) marak: the hot wind ~d the flames, angin panas memarakkan api itu; the sight of him ~d her love, kelibatnya memarakkan cintanya; his anger was ~d by her indifference, kemarahannya marak oleh sifat acuh tak acuh gadis itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | ~ up, a. flare up, memarak, menjadi marak: put on some more wood so that the fire will ~ up, bubuh kayu lagi supaya api itu memarak; b. (of a rocket) be destroyed by great heat, terbakar: the spacecraft ~ed up when it reentered the earth’s atmosphere, kapal angkasa itu terbakar apabila masuk semula ke atmosfera bumi; ~ st up, see vt (sense 1.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blaze1 | n 1. strong, bright flame, api (yg marak): the ~ could be seen for miles, api itu dapat dilihat berbatu-batu jauhnya; burst into a ~, memarak; 2. fire, (consuming building etc) api (kebakaran): the firemen managed to put out the ~, pasukan bomba berjaya memadamkan api kebakaran itu; be in a ~, dijilat api; 3. brilliance, (of lights, colour) bersemarak: the flower-beds were a ~ of reds, violets and yellows, batas-batas bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna merah, ungu dan kuning; 4. intense outburst (of feelings), [approp n] yg /berapi-api, bernyala-nyala, meluap-luap/: a ~ of anger, kemarahan yg berapi-api; a ~ of patriotism, semangat patriotik yg meluap-luap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blaze1 | vi 1. also ~ away, ~ up, burn brightly, memarak, bernyala dgn marak: the bonfire was still blazing, unggun api itu masih memarak; 2. shine brightly, ( of the sun ) memancar terik; (of light) bersinar terang-benderang: the sun was blazing overhead, mata hari sedang memancar terik; lights were blazing in the house, lampu-lampu bersinar terang-benderang di rumah itu; 3. be bright with colour, bersemarak: the flower show ~d with colour, pertunjukan bunga itu bersemarak dgn warna-warni; 4. burn with intense feeling, berapi-api, bernyala-nyala: his eyes ~d with anger, matanya berapi-api krn marah; 5. also ~ up, flare, memarak: enmity ~d up again between them, permusuhan memarak semula antara mereka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | 5. direct air-current at, meniup, menghembus: he blew the fire into a good blaze, dia meniup api itu hingga marak; 6. make or give shape by the action of air, meniup: to ~ glass into many shapes, meniup kaca menjadi berbagai-bagai bentuk; to ~ bubbles, meniup buih (sabun); 7. (fuse) terbakar: the washing machine blew a fuse, fius mesin basuh itu terbakar; 8. burst, meletup: the car blew a tyre on the way, tayar kereta itu meletup dlm perjalanan; I blew a tyre at 150 kph, tayar kereta saya meletup semasa saya memandu selaju 150 kmsj; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |