Maklumat Kata

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masih (kata tugas)
Bersinonim dengan sedang, tengah, lagi, terus, ketika, sementara.,


Balasatudin berasal nama,
     Yang bernama si Simpanglah Tiga;
Orang lain bukan tak ada,
     Abang seorang masih di mata.

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Agung susut,
     pongah masih.

Bermaksud :

Kebesaran sudah hilang, tetapi keangkuhannya masih ada juga. agung = besar; pongah = angkuh.


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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fighting chancen harapan; have a ~, masih ada harapan: the doctor said I had a ~ of recovery, menurut doktor, saya masih ada harapan utk sembuh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
last 1 2. also ~ out, continue to be available, be sufficient for, cukup, tahan; (of stocks) masih ada: how long will the food ~ out?, berapa lama makanan itu boleh tahan?; you must make the money ~ until the end of the month, kamu harus memastikan wang ini cukup sehingga hujung bulan ini; this offer is valid while stocks ~, tawaran ini sah selagi simpanan masih ada;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fulfil(US) fulfill vt 1. carry out, (obligation, request, duty) menunaikan, memenuhi; (promise) menunaikan, memenuhi, menepati; (function, role) memenuhi: she still had one duty to ~, masih ada satu kewajipan yg harus ditunaikannya; we regret that we are unable to ~ your request, dukacita kami tdk dapat memenuhi permintaan saudara; he never ~led the promise he made to Fatimah, dia tdk pernah menepati janji yg dibuatnya kpd Fatimah; 2. comply with, memenuhi: you must first ~ all the requirements, pertama sekali kamu mesti memenuhi segala syarat; one of the conditions has not been ~led, satu drpd syarat itu belum dipenuhi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hold 1 ~ out, a. stand fast, resist, bertahan: the little band of soldiers cannot ~ out much longer, kumpulan kecil askar itu tdk dapat bertahan lebih lama lagi; b. last, tahan lagi; (of supplies) masih ada: I think the tyre will ~ out until we get to a garage, saya fikir tayar itu boleh tahan lagi sehingga kita tiba di bengkel; ~ out st, a. stretch out st, menghulurkan sst: the man held out his hand as a gesture of friendship, lelaki itu menghulurkan tangannya sbg tanda persahabatan; b. offer st, memberikan sst: the job ~s out little prospect of promotion, pekerjaan itu memberikan prospek yg tipis dlm kenaikan pangkat;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
infectiousadj 1. (of disease) berjangkit; 2. liable to infect, a. (of person) boleh menjangkitkan penyakit: he will be ~ as long as the spots last, dia boleh menjangkitkan penyakit itu selagi bintik-bintik masih ada; b. (of thing) boleh menjangkitkan penyakit sso: anything he has touched will be ~, apa saja yg dipegangnya boleh menjangkitkan penyakitnya; 3. (fig.) berjangkit-jangkit: yawning is ~, menguap boleh berjangkit-jangkit.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
halln 1. entrance, vestibule of house, ruang depan; 2. building for public gatherings, events, etc, dewan: the school ~, dewan sekolah; lecture ~, dewan kuliah; the only seats available for the concert were at the back of the ~, tempat duduk yg masih ada utk konsert itu hanyalah di bahagian belakang dewan; community ~, dewan orang ramai; village ~, balai raya; 3. main office of a local government authority, dewan: the town ~, dewan perbandaran; City H~, Dewan Bandaraya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cushionn 1. soft, padded pillow or case, kusyen: she knelt on the ~ to pray, dia berlutut di atas kusyen utk berdoa; the ~s on these chairs need replacing, kusyen kerusi ini perlu ditukar; 2. st that acts like a pad, kusyen; (of moss, grass) lembut spt kusyen: ~ of air, kusyen udara; steam left in the cylinder acts as a ~ for the piston, stim yg masih ada di dlm silinder itu bertindak sbg kusyen kpd omboh; fortunately he fell on a ~ of wet moss, nasib baik dia jatuh di atas lumut yg basah yg lembut spt kusyen;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
faintf. (of breeze) sepoi-sepoi bahasa; g. (of smile) serong-serong bahasa, sumbing; 2. lacking conviction, tdk bersungguh-sungguh: ~ praise, pujian yg tdk bersungguh-sungguh; a ~ attempt (at a smile etc) cuba-cuba (senyum dll); 3. weak and dizzy, berasa hendak pitam: to be ~ with hunger, berasa hendak pitam krn lapar; 4. (of body function, strength, etc) feeble, lemah: his breathing grew ~er, pernafasannya semakin lemah; 5. weak, slight, sedikit: a ~ resemblance between the two men, terdapat sedikit persamaan antara dua lelaki itu; there is still a ~ hope of finding them, masih ada sedikit harapan utk menjumpai mereka; they put up only a ~ show of resistence, mereka hanya menunjukkan sedikit tentangan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
aliveadj 1. having life, living, (masih) hidup: he is still ~, dia masih hidup; wanted dead or ~, dikehendaki sama ada hidup atau mati; 2. while still living, hidup-hidup: to be burnt ~, dibakar hidup-hidup; 3. in existence, hidup: such traditions are still ~, tradisi-tradisi spt itu masih hidup; 4. of those living, di dunia ini: the kindest man ~, lelaki yg paling baik hati di dunia ini; 5. lively, cergas: although old she is very much ~, walaupun usianya tua, dia amat cergas; 6. swarming, teeming, penuh: the meat was ~ with maggots, daging itu penuh dgn berenga; a jungle that is ~ with game, hutan yg penuh dgn binatang; 7. (electr) hidup;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lackingadj (absent) tdk /mempunyai, ada/ [n]; (insufficient) kurang, tdk mencukupi: information on the subject is still ~, kami masih tdk mempunyai maklumat ttg perkara itu or maklumat ttg perkara itu masih tdk mencukupi; nothing is ~ but the will to win, tdk ada apa yg kurang kecuali semangat utk menang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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