dome | n kubah: the stately ~ of the mosque, kubah masjid yg berdiri megah; the blue ~ of the sky, kubah langit yg biru; the ~ of the head, lengkung kepala. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | the mosque is generally regarded as the most ~ in the country, masjid itu dianggap umum sbg yg paling indah di negara ini; the most ~ of all the holiday resorts, tempat peranginan yg paling indah antara yg ada; you can get a ~ view from the top of Penang Hill, kita dapat melihat pemandangan yg indah dr puncak Bukit Bendera; 2. delighting the ear, merdu, sedap, /sedap, enak/ didengar: she has a ~ voice, suaranya merdu; 3. delighting the sense of taste, sedap, enak, lazat: the food was ~, makanan yg dihidangkan sedap; 4. appealing to the sense of smell, sedap; (of scent) wangi, harum, sedap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commission | n 1. special task, job, kerja; (for artist) tempahan: he was given the ~ to design the mosque, dia diberi kerja utk mereka bentuk masjid itu; not all artists accept ~s, bukan semua pelukis yg mahu menerima tempahan; 2. (mil) tauliah: he received his ~ as 2nd Lieutenant, dia menerima tauliah sbg Leftenan Muda; 3. group authorized to perform certain duties, suruhanjaya: a Royal C~, Suruhanjaya Diraja; the C~ of Inquiry, Suruhanjaya Siasatan; the Federal Trade C~, Suruhanjaya Perdagangan Persekutuan; 4. fee allotted to agent, komisen, dalal: he charges 5% ~, dia mengenakan komisen 5%; sell st on ~, menjual sst dgn mendapat komisen; 5. act of doing (st wrong, unlawful) perbuatan melakukan: the ~ of a crime, perbuatan melakukan jenayah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
irreverent | adj 1. (of person) tdk hormat; (attrib) bersikap tdk hormat: it is generally considered ~ to enter a mosque wearing a dress, pd umumnya dianggap tdk hormat memasuki masjid dgn memakai baju gaun; I don’t think he meant to be ~, saya tdk fikir dia bermaksud bersikap tdk hormat; ~ young people who poke fun at many things, anak-anak muda yg bersikap tdk hormat dan mempersendakan banyak perkara; 2. showing, characterized by lack of respect for important people, institution, menunjukkan sikap tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/; (of attitude) tdk /hormat thdp, menghormati/: he made a number of ~ comments about the prince, dia membuat beberapa komen yg menunjukkan sikap tdk hormat kpd putera itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
in | b. (st considered as part of outfit or outer garment) memakai, ber - + [n]: ~ Japanese slippers, berselipar jepun; men ~ songkoks on their way to the mosque, beberapa orang lelaki yg bersongkok berjalan menuju ke masjid; she feels more comfortable ~ shorts, dia berasa lebih selesa memakai seluar pendek; a poster of Michael Jackson ~ a leather jacket, poster Michael Jackson memakai jaket kulit; ~ shawls, berselendang; c. (clothes made of particular fabric), [not translated]: dressed ~ silk, memakai baju sutera; d. (clothes predominantly of a certain colour) berpakaian, berbaju, memakai /pakaian, baju/: the lady ~ blue, wanita yg berpakaian serba biru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
he | c. (for recently deceased male person), (Muslim ruler or prince) almarhum; (other Muslim) Allahyarham; (non-Muslim) mendiang: in his lifetime ~ founded a number of mosques, semasa masih hidup, Allahyarham telah mendirikan beberapa buah masjid; 3. (ref to male animal), [usu not translated or the n is repeated]: be careful of that cat, ~ sometimes scratches, berhati-hati dgn kucing itu, kadang-kadang mencakar orang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cluster | b. grow in clusters round st, tumbuh berumpun di keliling sst: roses ~ing round the cottage windows, bunga-bunga mawar tumbuh berumpun di keliling tingkap-tingkap rumah itu; c. be situated, found round st, terdapat di keliling sst: groups of thatched houses ~ed round the mosque, kumpulan-kumpulan rumah atap terdapat di keliling masjid itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |