cardinal points | n arah utama, mata angin. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drive | 5. (ball) memukul: he drove the ball with a mighty swing, dia memukul bola itu dgn ayunan yg kuat; 6. force, menyebabkan: the wind drove the rain into my eyes, angin menyebabkan air hujan masuk ke mata saya; 7. operate, menggerakkan, menjalankan: machinery ~n by electricity, jentera yg digerakkan oleh kuasa elektrik; 8. compel, urge, memaksa: the constant quarrels drove him to seek relaxation elsewhere, perkelahian yg kerap itu memaksanya mencari hiburan di tempat lain; 9. overwork, memaksa [sso] bekerja keras: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
into | d. (involving movement from one body of water into another) ke: the river ran ~ the sea, sungai itu mengalir ke laut; 2. (indic direction) ke; (towards which one is looking) ke dalam: the footpath leads ~ the garden, lorong kaki itu menuju ke taman; he was gazing ~ her eyes, dia merenung ke dalam mata gadis itu; peering ~ the dark night, merenung ke dalam kegelapan malam; turn st ~ the wind, menghalakan sst mengikut arah angin: very slowly he turned the sailing boat ~ the wind, dgn perlahan-lahan dia menghalakan kapal layar itu mengikut arah angin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |