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matahari (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan mentari, suria, maharaja siang, rawi, lampu dunia, syamsi, samsu.,


Cik Ali memacu kuda,
     Jangan diregang tali ragam;
Asal matahari matahari juga,
     Bulan terbit terangkan alam.

Lihat selanjutnya...(3)

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

eastn timur: the sun rises in the ~, matahari terbit di sebelah timur; to the ~ of, di (sebelah) timur (dr): the holiday resort is situated to the ~ of the town, tempat peranginan itu terletak di sebelah timur bandar tersebut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dayany ~ (of the week), (colloq) a. (indic preference to do st) lebih suka: if you ask me, I’d live in Malaysia any ~, kalau kamu tanya saya, saya lebih suka tinggal di Malaysia; b. whenever one wants, bila-bila masa saja: if he wants he can buy ten any ~ of the week, jika dia mahu, dia boleh membeli sepuluh, bila-bila masa saja; c. (indic absolute certainty of the truth of o’s opinion) lagi: I am a better cook than she is any ~ of the week, saya lagi pandai memasak drpd dia; at break of ~, (pd) waktu /subuh, fajar menyingsing, fajar merekah, matahari terbit/; at the end of the ~, (pd) /akhirnya, kesudahannya/; before ~, sebelum /siang (hari), waktu siang/; by ~, pd /waktu siang, siang hari/; by the ~, /berdasarkan, mengikut/ hari bekerja: he is paid by the ~, dia dibayar berdasarkan hari bekerja;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disembarkvt menurunkan; (troops) mendaratkan: the troops were ~ed before daylight, askar-askar itu didaratkan sebelum terbit matahari.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
day-labourern 1. light of day, cahaya /siang, matahari/: colours look different in the ~, di bawah cahaya matahari warna kelihatan berbeza; 2. dawn, (waktu) subuh, waktu terbit matahari: she was up at ~, dia bangun pd waktu subuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
appearvi 1. become visible, a. (suddenly) muncul; (of spiritual, supernatural being) menjelma; (of star) terbit; (of rash) timbul: a masked man ~ed in the doorway, seorang lelaki bertopeng muncul di pintu; the devil ~ed before him in the guise of a tiger, hantu itu menjelma di hadapannya dlm bentuk seekor harimau; stars ~ing one by one, bintang terbit satu demi satu; as soon as spots ~ed, the patient’s temperature started to fall, sebaik sahaja bintik-bintik timbul, suhu badan pesakit itu pun turun; b. (slowly) kelihatan: the clouds rolled away and the sun ~ed, awan berarak dan matahari pun kelihatan; they could hear the train long before it ~ed, mereka terdengar akan bunyi kereta api itu lama sebelum kereta api itu kelihatan; the reef only ~s when the tide is low, terumbu karang kelihatan hanya apabila air surut; a smile ~ed on his lips, dia kelihatan tersenyum;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
come~ up, a. come upstairs, naik; b. come to or above surface of water, timbul: to ~ up for air, timbul utk menyedut udara; c. rise (of sun) terbit; d. grow, tumbuh: the sunflowers I sowed last week have not ~ up yet, biji benih bunga matahari yg saya semai minggu lalu belum tumbuh lagi; e. happen, [no specif translation]; (when subj is not specified) berlaku, terjadi: to wait for an opportunity to ~ up, menunggu peluang; should a vacancy ~ up within the next few weeks..., sekiranya ada kekosongan dlm dua tiga minggu ini...; you look worried. Has anything ~ up?, kamu kelihatan risau. Ada apa-apa yg terjadi?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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