goal | n 1. aim, objective, matlamat: his ~ in life is to help others less fortunate than him, matlamat hidupnya adalah membantu orang-orang yg kurang bernasib baik daripadanya; 2. (sports) a. structure, area into which ball etc is aimed, gol: the ball went into the ~, bola itu masuk gol; b. (the score) gol: three ~s to one, tiga gol berbalas satu; ~ average, gol purata; keep ~, menjadi penjaga gol. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attainable | adj dapat dicapai: an ~ goal, matlamat yg dapat dicapai. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
achieve | vt mencapai: to ~ success, mencapai kejayaan; to ~ o’s aims, mencapai matlamat sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
frenetic | adj kegila-gilaan: a ~ attempt to meet the year’s production target, usaha kegila-gilaan utk mencapai matlamat pengeluaran tahun itu; the ~ bustle in the marketing department, kesibukan yg kegila-gilaan di bahagian pemasaran; at a ~ pace, spt hendak gila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
essential | adj 1. (extremely important) penting; (very necessary), (sangat) perlu: it is ~ that the targets we set are realistic, adalah penting bahawa matlamat yg kita tetapkan realistik; oxygen is ~ to human life, oksigen adalah perlu utk kehidupan manusia; experience is ~ for this position, pengalaman adalah perlu utk jawatan ini; 2. basic, fundamental, asas, pokok: an ~ feature of the literary works of that period, ciri asas karya-karya sastera zaman itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aim | n 1. directing weapon etc at object, bidikan, tenangan: his ~ is excellent, bidikannya tepat sekali; take ~, membidik, menenang; 2. target, sasaran: the bullet missed its ~, peluru itu tdk mengenai sasarannya; 3. intention, tujuan, matlamat: our ~ is to double production within the next five years, matlamat kami ialah utk menggandakan pengeluaran dlm masa lima tahun akan datang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | b. destruction, kemusnahan, musnah: a tanker that met its ~ in a hurricane, kapal yg musnah dlm badai; the city came to a violent ~, kota itu musnah teruk; 7. purpose, aim, matlamat, tujuan: he was acting solely for his own ~s, dia bertindak semata-mata utk tujuannya sendiri; the legislation was enacted to that ~, undang-undang tersebut diperbuat utk mencapai tujuan itu; ~ of the road, (fig.) sampai ke jalan buntu; ~ on, a. with ends meeting, (hujung) bertemu hujung: the two ships collided ~ on, kedua-dua kapal itu berlanggar hujung bertemu hujung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
determination | n 1. act of settling, fixing, penentuan, penetapan, pemutusan, memutuskan: the ~ of company policy, penentuan dasar syarikat; 2. resolve, azam, keazaman, tekad: her ~ to achieve high goals in life, azamnya utk mencapai matlamat tinggi dlm hidup; 3. firmness of character, penuh /azam, keazaman, tekad/: women of great courage and ~, wanita-wanita yg berani dan penuh keazaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
aim | ~ at, a. direct (gun) towards, /membidik, menenang/ ke arah; b. direct (blow, kick, missile etc) towards, mengarahkan + approp n pd: she ~ed at his head but hit the wall instead, dia mengarahkan pinggan itu kpd kepala lelaki itu tetapi terkena dinding; c. have as o’s objective, mempunyai matlamat; (position, job) /berhasrat, bercita-cita/ utk: a country that ~s at becoming the world’s largest producer of palm oil, sebuah negara yg mempunyai matlamat utk menjadi pengeluar minyak kelapa sawit yg terbesar di dunia; he ~ed at the prime ministership, dia berhasrat utk menjadi perdana menteri; ~ st at, see vt. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
book | keep the ~s, menyimpan kira-kira; not in the ~, tdk dibenarkan; not suit o’s ~, tdk sesuai dgn + approp n sso: they were said to have distorted whatever facts did not suit their ~, mereka dikatakan telah memutarbelitkan segala kenyataan yg tdk sesuai dgn matlamat mereka; on the ~s, dlm daftar nama ahli; read so. like a ~, membaca fikiran dan hati sso; the (good) ~, kitab Bible; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |