defence mechanism | n mekanisme bela diri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
actuate | vt 1. menggerakkan: to ~ a mechanism, menggerakkan mekanisme; 2. motivate, mendorong, menggerakkan: ~d by a desire for fame, didorong oleh keinginan utk menjadi masyhur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defect | n 1. fault, flaw, a. (in appearance, form) kecacatan: ~s in the wood, kecacatan yg terdapat pd kayu itu; to examine a product for ~s, meneliti bahan keluaran sekiranya ada kecacatan; b. (in function) kerosakan: a ~ in the mechanism, kerosakan pd mekanisme; c. (in character, nature) kelemahan, kecacatan: a ~ in o’s character, kelemahan pd peribadi sso; moral ~, kecacatan moral; 2. deficiency, a. (in regularity, soundness of form or structure) kelemahan, kekurangan: ~s in an administrative system, kelemahan dlm sistem pentadbiran; there are several ~s in the design, terdapat beberapa kelemahan dlm reka bentuk itu; b. (ref to eyesight, hearing) rosak: he has a hearing ~, pendengarannya rosak; c. (ref to memory) kelemahan, lemah; d. (ref to speech) kecacatan, cacat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intricate | adj 1. difficult to understand, resolve, rumit: the ~ details of the report, butir-butir yg rumit dlm laporan itu; the ~ processes of government, proses-proses pentadbiran yg rumit; ~ puzzles, teka-teki yg rumit; an ~ problem, masalah yg rumit; 2. entangled and elaborate, berjalin-jalin dan kompleks: an ~ pattern, corak yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; ~ carvings, ukiran yg berjalin-jalin dan kompleks; 3. complex, kompleks: an ~ mechanism, mekanisme yg kompleks; the story has an ~ plot, cerita itu mempunyai plot yg kompleks. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |