invest | ~ in, a. put money in, melabur dgn membeli: she ~ed heavily in property, dia banyak melabur dgn membeli harta benda; b. (colloq) membeli: I’ve just ~ed in a new washing machine, saya baru saja membeli mesin basuh yg baru; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sum | 3. amount, jumlah: he had invested a huge ~ of money, dia telah melabur sejumlah besar wang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
risky | adj berisiko: it is ~ to invest all o’s money in the one business, melabur kesemua wang dlm satu perniagaan adalah berisiko; a ~ proposal, usul yg berisiko. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
propitious | adj (fml) baik: it was a ~ time for investment, inilah masa yg baik utk melabur. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deter | vt menghalang: political unrest will ~ investors from coming to the country, pergolakan politik akan menghalang pelabur drpd melabur di dlm negara itu; pride should ~ him from doing anything so contemptible, rasa bangga diri sepatutnya menghalangnya drpd melakukan perbuatan yg terkutuk itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
rash 1 | adj terburu-buru: he was ~ to invest all his money in such stocks, dia terburu-buru melabur kesemua wangnya dlm saham tersebut; he made a ~ decision, dia membuat keputusan yg terburu-buru; a ~ act, tindakan yg terburu-buru. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
climate | n 1. iklim: a mild ~, iklim sederhana; equatorial ~, iklim khatulistiwa; desert ~, iklim gurun; 2. (fig.) suasana, iklim: a good ~ for investment, suasana yg baik utk melabur; a healthy, political ~, iklim politik yg sihat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
property | n 1. belongings, possessions, harta: he bequeathed all his ~ to his daughter, dia mewariskan semua hartanya pd anak perempuannya; stolen ~, barang curi; 2. real estate, harta tanah: it is wise to invest in ~, adalah bijak melabur dlm harta tanah; 3. (fml) characteristic quality, sifat; (of a healing nature) khasiat: a magnet has the ~ of attracting iron, magnet bersifat boleh menarik besi; many herbs have medicinal properties, banyak herba mengandungi khasiat sbg ubat; 4. land, tanah: the highway will pass through my ~, lebuh raya itu akan melalui tanah saya; 5. (fml) ownership, pemilikan: ~ has its obligations, pemilikan dikaitkan dgn tanggungjawab yg tertentu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
volatile | 2. unpredictable, mudah berubah hati, tdk tetap pendirian: a ~ person, subject to sudden changes of mood, orang yg tdk tetap pendirian yg selalu mengikut anginnya; 3. liable to sudden, unexpected change, sentiasa bergolak: the situation in the Middle East is highly ~, keadaan di Timur Tengah sentiasa bergolak hebat; 4. (of trading conditions etc) unstable, turun naik: the stock-market being so ~, it is best not to invest, pasaran saham sedang turun naik, jadi lebih baik jangan melabur sekarang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |