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Kata Terbitan : melambung, terlambung-lambung,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

inflatedadj 1. puffed up, (with air, gas) kembung; (by pumping air into st) telah dipam; (by blowing air into st) telah ditiup: an ~ rubber tube, tiub getah yg telah dipam; 2. (of prices), (telah) melambung: I can’t afford these ~ prices, saya tdk mampu membeli krn harga barang-barang telah melambung; charge ~ prices, meletakkan harga yg tinggi; 3. swollen, exaggerated, melambung; (of figures, statements, etc), (telah) dibesar-besarkan: he has an ~ opinion of his own ability, dia mempunyai pendapat yg melambung ttg kebolehannya; he claimed that those were ~ figures, dia mendakwa bahawa angka-angka itu telah dibesar-besarkan; be ~ with pride, berasa sangat bangga; 4. (of style, language) bombastic, pompous, melambung-lambung: an ~ style of speaking, gaya percakapan melambung-lambung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bucketvi 1. move jerkily, melambung-lambung: the jeep ~ed along the bumpy road, jip itu melambung-lambung di sepanjang jalan yg tdk rata itu; 2. (of rain) turun mencurah-curah: it’s been ~ing down since early this morning, hujan turun mencurah-curah sejak awal pagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bulgen 1. (irregular swelling) bonjol: the ~ in his pocket, bonjol pd sakunya; a ~ in the rug, bonjol pd hamparan; 2. sudden increase, pertambahan yg melambung: the population ~ after the war, pertambahan penduduk yg melambung selepas perang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boom1n 1. loud, resonant sound, a. (of gun, thunder, etc) dentuman; b. (of wave, the sea, etc) deburan: the ~ of the sea, deburan ombak; 2. deep, hollow cry (esp of the bittern) dengutan; 3. (period of) rapid growth or expansion, ledakan; (of period of time) keadaan ekonomi melambung: the housing ~, ledakan perumahan; the baby ~, ledakan kelahiran; he made his fortune during the ~, dia menjadi kaya semasa keadaan ekonomi melambung;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
boom1vi 1. make loud, resonant sound, a. (of gun, thunder, etc) berdentum; (repeatedly) berdentam-dentum: the cannons ~ed, meriam berdentam-dentum; b. (of wave, surf) berdebum, berdebur; c. (of wind) menderu; d. (of voice) bergemuruh: his voice ~ed through the empty hall, suaranya bergemuruh di dewan yg kosong itu; 2. make deep, hollow cry, berdengut; 3. grow, prosper rapidly, melambung naik: business began to ~, perniagaan mula melambung naik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jumpn 1. leap, lompatan, loncatan: he won with a ~ of seven feet, dia menang dgn lompatan setinggi tujuh kaki; /high, long/ ~, lompat /tinggi, jauh/; 2. obstacle, lompatan, loncatan: the ~s have not been set up yet, lompatan-lompatan itu belum dipasang lagi; 3. sudden rise, /meningkat, bertambah/ dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/; (of price, rent, etc), /melambung, meloncat/ naik, naik dgn /tiba-tiba, mendadak/: a ~ in share prices, harga syer yg melambung naik;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bumpyadj 1. full of bumps, berbonggol-bonggol, lekak-lekuk: a ~ road, jalan yg lekak-lekuk; 2. full of jolts, terenjut-enjut, terhentak-hentak; (of flight) melambung-lambung: we had a ~ ride, kami terenjut-enjut semasa perjalanan itu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
balloonvi 1. ascend, travel in a balloon, naik belon; 2. swell out, menggelembung, menggembung, mengembung, mengepuh, melembung: her skirt ~ed in the wind, skirtnya menggelembung ditiup angin; 3. (of ball) go high into the air, melambung tinggi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flush1give st a ~, mencurahkan air ke dlm sst: the drain needs clearing: give it a ~, longkang itu perlu dibersihkan: curahkan air ke dalamnya; in the first ~ of, (semasa) mula mengecap nikmat: in the first ~ of victory hopes were high, semasa mula mengecap nikmat kemenangan, harapan melambung tinggi; in the full ~ of, pd kemuncak: in the full ~ of youth, pd /kemuncak, puncak/ keremajaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
bumpinessn 1. state, quality of being full of bumps, keadaan [n] yg /berbonggol-bonggol, lekak-lekuk/: the going was slow because of the ~ of the road, perjalanan kami perlahan krn keadaan jalan yg lekak-lekuk; 2. state, quality of being full of jolts, terenjut-enjut, terhentak-hentak; (of flight) melambung-lambung.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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