decline | vi 1. slope downward, menurun, melandai: the track ~d to the beach, jalan kecil itu menurun ke pantai; 2. deteriorate, diminish, merosot: his power slowly ~d, kuasanya beransur-ansur merosot; the birth rate has been declining for some years, kadar kelahiran telah merosot selama beberapa tahun; the value of the property is declining steadily, nilai harta itu beransur-ansur merosot; 3. refuse, menolak; (to do st) enggan: every time he is invited he ~s, setiap kali dijemput, dia menolak; he ~d to discuss his future plans, dia enggan membincangkan rancangan masa depannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
descent | make a ~, turun: the climber made a ~ via the north face of the mountain, pendaki itu turun melalui bahagian utara gunung tersebut; the road makes a gradual ~ here, jalan itu turun melandai di sini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | ~ away, a. become fewer, berkurangan: his supporters began to ~ away, penyokong-penyokongnya mula berkurangan; b. disappear, lenyap: in such a crisis all prejudices ~ away, dlm krisis demikian segala prasangka lenyap; c. grow thin, menjadi kurus; (of face) menjadi cengkung; d. slope downwards, melandai: the ground ~s away on the left side of the road,tanah itu melandai di sebelah kiri jalan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fall | 3. drop in pitch, menurun: her voice rose and fell, suaranya menaik dan menurun; 4. abate, subside, reda: the wind fell, angin telah reda; the flames rose and fell, api itu menjulang dan reda; 5. become lowered, memandang ke bawah: his eyes fell, matanya memandang ke bawah; 6. collapse esp in fragments, runtuh, roboh; 7. hang down, a. (of skirt etc) tergantung: his cloak ~s from the shoulder, jubahnya tergantung dr bahunya; b. (of hair) terjurai, mengurai: her hair ~s loosely, rambutnya terjurai lepas; 8. be killed, gugur, terkorban: those who fell in the war, mereka yg gugur di medan perang; 9. slope downwards, melandai: the land ~s towards the sea, tanah itu melandai ke arah laut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |