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Kata Terbitan : berlanggar, melanggar, terlanggar, pelanggaran, pelanggar,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

infringevt 1. violate, melanggar; (law, rule, etc) melanggar, menyalahi: to ~ copyright, melanggar peraturan hak cipta; to ~ an agreement, melanggar perjanjian; by destroying public property, you have ~d the law, dgn merosakkan harta awam, tuan telah melanggar undang-undang; 2. encroach upon, mencerobohi: this action would ~ the rights of the tenants, tindakan ini akan mencerobohi hak-hak penyewa;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
infringementn 1. violation, pelanggaran, (perbuatan) melanggar; (of law, rule, etc), (perbuatan) /melanggar, menyalahi/, pelanggaran: an ~ of a patent, perbuatan melanggar paten; 2. encroachment, pencerobohan: she complained that the constant harassment by the press was an ~ of her privacy, dia mendakwa bahawa perbuatan pihak akhbar yg selalu mengganggunya itu satu pencerobohan thdp kehidupan peribadinya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breachn 1. violation, breaking, neglect, a. (gen) pelanggaran, melanggar: a ~ of etiquette, pelanggaran etiket; a ~ of the law, pelanggaran undang-undang; a ~ of security, melanggar peraturan keselamatan; a ~ of privilege, melanggar hak istimewa; b. (of agreement, contract, promise) mungkir, memungkiri: he is being sued for ~ of contract, dia didakwa krn mungkir kontrak; c. (of trust, faith, confidence, etc) pecah: a ~ of confidence, pecah amanah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
invadevt 1. enter forcibly in order to take control of, attack, a. melanggar, menyerang: when the Romans ~d Gaul..., apabila orang-orang Rom melanggar Gaul...; b. (fig.) menyerang: microorganisms that ~ diseased tissue, mikroorganisma yg menyerang tisu yg berpenyakit; the birds drive out others that try to ~ their territory, burung-burung tersebut menghalau binatang-binatang lain yg mencuba menyerang kawasannya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dash~ against, a. (of car, boat, etc) melanggar: the raft ~ed against the rocks, rakit itu melanggar batu; b. (of heavy sea, breaker, etc), /membanting,menghempas/ ke; ~ /so., st/ against, see vt (sense v 1.);Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
attackvt 1. assault physically, menyerang; (country) menyerang, melanggar: the fishing boats were ~ed by pirates, bot-bot nelayan itu diserang oleh lanun; this time they ~ed the goal from the left wing, kali ini mereka menyerang pintu gol dr kawasan sayap kiri; the country was ~ed without warning, negara itu diserang tanpa amaran; 2. criticize adversely, a. (so.) membidas, menyerang: the union leader was ~ed by the newspapers for his recent statement, pemimpin kesatuan sekerja itu dibidas oleh akhbar krn penyataannya baru-baru ini; b. (st) membidas, mengkritik dgn hebat: the Opposition ~ed the bill on several grounds, pihak Pembangkang membidas rang undang-undang itu atas beberapa sebab;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
decencyn 1. propriety, kesopanan: an act that violates ~, satu perbuatan yg melanggar kesopanan; should have the ~ to, sepatutnya: he should have had the ~ to tell his parents where he was going, sepatutnya dia beritahu ibu bapanya ke mana dia hendak pergi; 2. (in pl) social conventions, tatasusila, kesusilaan: to observe the common decencies, mematuhi tatasusila yg lazim.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
clumsyadj 1. awkward in movement and action, cemerkap; (of fingers) kekok: the ~ boy knocked the table over, budak yg cemerkap itu melanggar dan menterbalikkan meja; 2. awkwardly designed or constructed, gabas: a ~ piece of machinery, sebuah jentera yg gabas; ~ boots, kasut but yg gabas; 3. done or said without tact or care, (secara) ceroboh: his ~ attempts at making jokes, percubaannya yg ceroboh utk berjenaka; ~ forgery, pemalsuan yg ceroboh.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
disciplinevt 1. train, mendisiplinkan: he ~s himself to work consistently, dia mendisiplinkan dirinya utk bekerja dgn tekun; 2. punish, mengenakan tindakan /disiplin, tatatertib/ thdp: to ~ so. for breaking the rules, mengenakan tindakan disiplin thdp sso krn melanggar peraturan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
conen 1. (geom ) kon, kerucut; 2. see ICE-CREAM CONE; 3. st shaped like a cone, kon, kerucut: the car knocked over several of the ~s before crashing into the steamroller, kereta itu menjatuhkan kerucut sebelum melanggar penggelek stim; 4. cone-shaped structure in retina, kon; 5. (bot) kon;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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