cut | 10. dissolve, melarutkan: soap ~s grease, sabun melarutkan minyak; 11. reduce, mengurangkan: to ~ the price of petrol, mengurangkan harga petrol; to ~ travelling time by half, mengurangkan separuh waktu perjalanan; 12. cause to split along predetermined lines, mencanai, memotong: to ~ precious gems, mencanai batu permata; 13. (pack of cards) memotong; 14. omit, memotong, mengeluarkan: several paragraphs were ~ from the article, beberapa perenggan telah dipotong drpd makalah itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
solvent | adj 1. having the power of dissolving, pelarut, melarutkan (sst): ~ power, kuasa pelarut; the ~ action of turpentine on paint, tindakan turpentin yg melarutkan cat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
solubilize | vt make soluble, melarutkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dissolve | vt 1. melt, liquefy, melarutkan: ~ the salt in water, larutkan garam dlm air; 2. cause to break up or come to an end, membubarkan: to ~ Parliament, membubarkan Parlimen; to ~ a marriage, membubarkan perkahwinan; 3. cause to vanish, menghilangkan, melenyapkan: the cheerful atmosphere of the party ~d his anger, suasana riang di majlis itu telah menghilangkan kemarahannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |