float | 4. walk lightly, berjalan melayang: she ~ed into the dining-room, dia berjalan melayang masuk ke bilik makan; 5. (fig.) drift, melayang(-layang): memories of Christine ~ed through his mind, kenangan kpd Christine melayang-layang dlm fikirannya; under hypnotic trance, your mind ~s out of your body, dlm keadaan hipnosis, fikiran akan melayang keluar dr badan; 6. move aimlessly from one place or activity to another, hanyut: the homeless youth ~ed from city to city, anak muda gelandangan itu hanyut dr kota ke kota; 7. (of currency) terapung: the Dutch guilder was allowed to ~, guilder Belanda dibiarkan terapung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | c. (of garment) melayang-layang: he ran off with his coat ~ing out behind him, dia berlari dgn kotnya melayang-layang; (of hair) merebang: her hair was ~ing loose in the wind, rambutnya merebang ditiup angin; 5. move quickly, a. (of person, animal) meluru: he came ~ing into the room, dia meluru masuk ke bilik; she flew to help him, dia meluru utk menolongnya; b. (of car) meluncur; c. (of other objects) melayang: the ball flew through the air, bola itu melayang di udara; ~ open, (of door) tiba-tiba terbuka; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ away, /melayang, terbang/ ditiup angin: my scarf blew away, skaf saya melayang ditiup angin; ~ st away, /melayangkan, menerbangkan/ sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drift | vi 1. be carried along by current of air, a. (of balloon, kite, etc) melayang-layang: the balloon ~ed a long way off course, belon itu melayang-layang jauh dr laluannya; b. (of smoke from a chimney) keluar: a column of smoke ~ed from the chimney, kepulan asap keluar dr serombong itu; c. (of clouds) berarak: the clouds ~ed across the sky, awan berarak di langit; d. (of sound) sayup-sayup kedengaran; e. (of smell) terbau, tercium, terhidu: a delicious smell ~ed from the kitchen, tercium bau sedap yg datangnya dr dapur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ /about, around/, /berterbangan, melayang-layang/: the leaves are ~ing about in the wind, daun-daun itu berterbangan ditiup angin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far-away | adj 1. remote, jauh: ~ places, tempat-tempat jauh; ~ times, pd /zaman, masa/ dahulu; 2. (of look in so’s eyes) dreamy, melayang jauh: his eyes had that ~ look,fikirannya melayang jauh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ off, [various translations]: his hat blew off, topinya melayang ditiup angin; when the water boiled the lid blew off, apabila air mendidih tudung cerek itu terpelanting; ~ st off, [various translations]: the wind blew the roof off the house, angin telah menerbangkan bumbung rumah itu; the gale blew the ship off its course, angin kencang meniup kapal itu hingga terpesong dr arah perjalanannya; she blew the dust off the covers of the book, dia menghembus debu dr kulit buku itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
glide | vi 1. move smoothly, effortlessly, meluncur; (of bird) meluncur, melayang; (of flowing water) mengalir; (of people walking about) berjalan dgn cepat: dancers ~ing around the ballroom, penari-penari yg meluncur mengelilingi dewan tari-menari itu; the sea-gulls ~d down to the water’s edge, burung-burung camar itu meluncur turun ke gigi air; the boat ~d under the bridge, bot meluncur di bawah jambatan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
float | 2. a. move on surface of water, hanyut: the raft ~ed down the river, rakit itu hanyut ke hilir sungai; why bother rowing? Let’s just ~, buat apa berdayung, biar saja perahu kita hanyut; b. move through air, melayang-layang; (of cloud) terapung-apung: the propaganda leaflets ~ed down onto the streets of the city, risalah-risalah propaganda jatuh melayang-layang ke jalan-jalan kota itu; clouds were ~ing across the sky, awan terapung-apung melintasi langit; 3. (of sound) mengalun: the sound of the cowbells ~ed across the icy mountain slopes, bunyi loceng lembu mengalun di sekitar lereng gunung yg berais itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fly1 | vi 1. move through the air, terbang: most birds can ~, kebanyakan burung boleh terbang; 2. travel by air, (of person) terbang, naik kapal terbang; (of aircraft or airline) terbang: he flew to London via Moscow, dia terbang ke London melalui Moscow; 3. operate an aircraft, /membawa, memandu/ kapal terbang: Chong wants to learn to ~, Chong ingin belajar memandu kapal terbang; 4. move in the air, a. (of kite) melayang(-layang): in Indonesia, you can see kites ~ing everywhere, di Indonesia, kita boleh melihat wau melayang-layang di mana-mana; b. (of flag) berkibar-kibar: flags flew from every mast, bendera berkibar-kibar pd setiap tiang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |