explode | 4. (of population) meledak; 5. a. (of strong emotion) burst forth, meledak: his anger ~d, kemarahannya meledak; b. (of person) give vent to violent emotion, meletup: they thought he was going to ~ when he found out they had got married, mereka fikir dia akan meletup apabila mendapat tahu bahawa mereka telah berkahwin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
detonate | vi meledak, meletus, meletup: some explosives ~ easily, sesetengah bahan letupan mudah meledak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
erupt | 4. burst out, meledak: laughter ~ed in the room, gelak ketawa meledak di bilik itu; 5. a. (of rash, spot, etc) appear, tumbuh dgn banyak(nya): pimples ~ed all over her face, jerawat tumbuh dgn banyak di seluruh mukanya;b. (of part of person’s body) become suddenly covered (in spots, pimples, etc) naik: her face ~ed in tiny red spots, mukanya naik bintik-bintik merah yg kecil; 6. (of tooth) keluar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fire | vi 1. a. (of explosive etc) meledak: damp gunpowder will not ~, serbuk bedil yg lembap tdk akan meledak; b. (of engine) membakar: the cylinders are not firing properly, silinder-silinder itu tdk membakar dgn baik; 2. shoot, menembak: don’t ~ until they have crossed the stream, jangan tembak sebelum mereka menyeberangi sungai itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explode | vi 1. burst loudly and violently, meletup; (of bomb, missile, etc) meledak, meletup; (of firework) meletup, meletus: he was killed when the petrol tank ~d, dia terbunuh apabila tangki minyak itu meletup; the home-made bomb ~d, injuring seven people, bom buatan sendiri itu meletup, mencederakan tujuh orang; 2. (of thunder) berdentum; 3. erupt, meledak, meletus: the growing discontent might one day ~ into a general uprising, rasa tdk puas hati ini mungkin pd suatu nanti meledak menjadi kebangkitan umum; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flash-point | n 1. takat kilat; 2. (fig.) a. point at which violence etc may be expected to break out, tahap meledak: the political situation in the country has reached its ~, situasi politik di negera itu telah mencapai tahap meledak; b. place at which violence etc may be expected to break out, tempat yg berbahaya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explosive | adj 1. of, involving, characterized by an explosion, letupan, ledakan: ~ force, daya letupan; 2. tending to explode, mudah meletup: ~ chemicals, bahan kimia mudah meletup; 3. potentially violent, mudah /meledak, meletus/: the political situation in the country is ~, situasi politik di negara itu mudah meledak; that’s an ~ issue, itu isu yg mudah meledak; 4. (of issue, subject) very controversial or sensitive, amat sensitif; 5. quick to anger, panas baran: he has an ~ temper, dia panas baran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burst | (of laughter, applause, etc) ledakan; (of violence) cetusan: a ~ of heavy rain, hujan lebat yg tiba-tiba turun mencurah-curah, c. violent expression, outburst, (of emotion) ledakan, meledak; (of tears) tiba-tiba berderai: a man given to ~s of rage, lelaki yg rasa marahnya sering meledak; d. spurt, sudden increase (in speed) pecutan; ~ of energy, tiba-tiba bertenaga; 3. volley of gunfire, tembakan yg /bertubi-tubi, berturut-turut/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bark1 | vi 1. (of dog) menyalak; 2. (of gun) meletup, meledak, meletus; 3. (of person) menengking, mengherdik, membentak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explosion | n 1. act, instance of exploding, letupan; (caused by bomb etc) ledakan, letupan: the ~ killed many people, banyak orang terbunuh dlm letupan itu; 2. rapid, sudden increase, ledakan: the ~ in population after the war, ledakan penduduk selepas perang; 3. sudden, violent outburst of, ledakan: ~s of loud laughter, ledakan ketawa yg kuat; an ~ of rage, ledakan kemarahan; 4. eruption (of violence, protest, riot, etc) ledakan, meledak: the government was unprepared for the ~ of the student riots, kerajaan tdk bersedia utk menghadapi rusuhan pelajar yg meledak itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |