dribble | vi 1. trickle, (in drops) meleleh: water dribbling from a tap, air yg meleleh dr paip; 2. drool, air liur [sso] meleleh: the baby has not stopped dribbling, air liur bayi itu masih meleleh; 3. (in football, hockey, etc) menggelecek bola; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drool | vi drivel, meleleh air liurnya: the baby still ~s, bayi itu masih meleleh air liurnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exude | vi (fml) ooze out, (of liquid) merembes keluar, meleleh; (of gas, smell) keluar perlahan-lahan: sweat ~s from every pore, peluh meleleh dr setiap liang roma; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drivel | vi 1. run at the mouth, meleleh air liurnya; 2. talk foolishly, merepek; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brim | ~ over (with st) a. melimpah-ruah; (of tears) berlinangan: the bath ~med over and flooded the floor, air mandi itu melimpah-ruah lalu membanjiri lantai; her tears ~med over and streamed down her face, air matanya berlinangan lalu meleleh di mukanya; b. (fig.) meluap-luap: she was ~ming over with happiness, kegembiraannya meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
drip | vi 1. fall in drops, menitis, menitik: the paint ~ped all over the floor, cat itu menitis ke seluruh lantai; 2. allow liquid to fall in drops, tiris, bocor; (of tap) bocor; (of nose), [ingus sso] meleleh: is the roof still ~ping?, adakah bumbung itu masih bocor?; this tap has always ~ped, paip ini sentiasa menitis; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | prep 1. to lower place on a hill etc, menuruni: to run ~ the steep slope, berlari menuruni cerun yg curam itu; 2. along, a. (river, stream, etc in the direction of the sea) ke hilir: we rowed ~ the river, kami mendayung ke hilir sungai itu; b. (road, street, etc) di: as we were walking ~ the narrow lane..., semasa kami berjalan di lorong sempit itu...; what’s the weather like ~ your way?, bagaimana cuaca di tempat kamu?; c. (pipe, tube, etc) melalui, di: water gushing ~ the conduit, air yg mengalir deras melalui pembuluh; d. (surface of) di: blood trickled ~ his cheek, darah meleleh di pipinya; 3. at a point along, a. (river, stream, etc) di hilir: they live ~ the river, mereka tinggal di hilir sungai; b. (road, street etc) di depan sedikit: his room is ~ the corridor, biliknya di depan sedikit koridor ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |