diversion | n 1. deflection, pengubahan /haluan, arah/, melencongkan: ~ of traffic, melencongkan lalu lintas; 2. alternative route, lencongan; 3. st that distracts attention, mengalihkan perhatian: the tears were just a ~ to make us forget the real issue, air matanya hanyalah utk mengalihkan perhatian kita supaya lupa akan isu yg sebenar; create a ~, mengalihkan perhatian; 4. pastime, hiburan: games and ~s, permainan dan hiburan; 5. (of money) pemindahan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deflect | vt (lit. & fig.), (act.) memesongkan, melencongkan; (pass.) terpesong, melencong: the wind ~ed the ship from its course, angin memesongkan kapal dr haluannya; nothing will ~ him from his purpose, tiada apa yg dapat memesongkannya drpd tujuannya; the bullet was ~ed by the metal case, peluru itu terpesong krn terkena kotak logam; to be ~ed from o’s train of thoughts, rentetan fikiran sso melencong; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
divert | vt 1. deflect, mengubah /haluan, arah/, melencongkan: the river was ~ed to irrigate the area, sungai itu telah diubah haluannya utk mengairi kawasan itu; 2. distract, (act.) mengalihkan; (pass) beralih: the children’s attention was ~ed to the game outside, perhatian kanak-kanak itu telah beralih ke permainan di luar; 3. (old-fashioned) amuse, entertain, (act.) menghiburkan; (pass.) terhibur: the children were ~ed by the cartoon movies, kanak-kanak itu terhibur oleh filem-filem kartun; 4. (money etc) memindahkan: the money was ~d to a more urgent project, wang itu telah dipindahkan ke projek yg lebih mendesak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |