inclination | n 1. bending, a. (of body) membongkok; b. (of head) melentokkan: he acknowledged the greeting with a slight ~ of the head, dia membalas sapaan itu dgn melentokkan kepalanya sedikit; 2. sloping position, kecondongan, condongan: the ~ of the roof, kecondongan bumbung rumah itu; 3. (math) kecondongan: the ~ of the axis, kecondongan paksi; 4. liking, desire, kehendak hati: to give way to o’s ~s, menurut kehendak hati; if only I were free to follow my ~s, kalaulah saya bebas utk mengikut kehendak hati saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
droop | vt lower, incline, melentokkan; (eyes) meluyukan, menguyukan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
sideways | 2. to the side, ke sisi; (ref to crab) mengiring: the bird bent its head ~, burung itu melentokkan kepalanya ke sisi; he stepped ~ to let the old lady pass, dia melangkah ke sisi supaya wanita tua itu dapat lalu; a crab moves ~, ketam berjalan mengiring; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
way | in /some, many/ ~s, dlm /beberapa, banyak/ segi: she is rather stubborn in some ~s, dia agak degil dlm beberapa segi; in many ~s you are fortunate, dlm banyak segi, kamu beruntung; in the ~ of, berhubung dgn: the children were given everything in the ~ of material things, kanak-kanak itu diberi segala-galanya berhubung dgn hal-hal kebendaan; in the ~ that, drpd cara sso: her disappointment could be seen in the ~ that she hung her head, dr cara dia melentokkan kepalanya, jelas menunjukkan dia kecewa; in the same ~, begitu juga: she has not been fair to others. In the same ~, she can’t expect others to be fair to her, dia tdk berlaku adil kpd orang lain. Begitu juga dia tdk boleh mengharapkan orang lain berlaku adil terhadapnya; keep out of so’s ~, menjauhkan diri dr sso: as far as possible I try to keep out of her ~, sedapat mungkin, saya mencuba menjauhkan diri darinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |