bounteous, bountiful | adj 1. generous, dermawan: a ~ gift, pemberian yg dermawan; 2. plentiful, melimpah-limpah, melimpah-ruah: a ~ supply of food, bekalan makanan yg melimpah-limpah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affluent | adj 1. wealthy, mewah: ~ society, masyarakat mewah; 2. abundant,profuse, melimpah-ruah, melimpah-limpah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
overflow | vi 1. spill over, melimpah: he kept on pouring until the glass ~ed, dia terus menuang air ke dlm gelas sehingga melimpah; 2. (of people) spread beyond the limits, melimpah: the crowd ~ed onto the road, orang ramai melimpah hingga ke jalan; 3. (be full of people) penuh sesak; (be full of things) penuh padat: the hall was ~ing with people, dewan itu penuh sesak dgn orang ramai; a dustbin ~ing with the previous day’s rubbish, tong sampah yg penuh padat dgn sampah; 4. (of person, person’s heart) brim over, penuh: my heart was ~ing with joy, hati saya penuh keriangan; a mother ~ing with love, ibu yg penuh dgn kasih sayang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
superfluous | adj 1. exceeding amount, number required, terlalu banyak; (of food, wealth, etc) melimpah-ruah: ~ wealth, kekayaan yg melimpah-ruah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disgorge | vt 1. vomit, memuntahkan: a volcano disgorging lava, gunung berapi yg memuntahkan lava; 2. (colloq) give up, hand back, menyerahkan kembali: to ~ ill-gotten gains, menyerahkan kembali keuntungan yg diperoleh secara haram; 3. pour out, melimpah; (crowds of people) berduyun-duyun keluar: the burst pipes ~d gallons of water, bergelen-gelen air melimpah dr paip-paip yg bocor; to ~ /itself, its waters/ into, melimpah ke: the Mississippi ~s its waters into the Gulf of Mexico, air sungai Mississippi melimpah ke Teluk Mexico. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flood | vi 1. be covered with water, banjir, bah: the cellar ~s every time it rains heavily, bilik bawah tanah banjir setiap kali hujan lebat; 2. rise and spill over, banjir, bah: the river ~s every year, sungai itu banjir setiap tahun; 3. pour, membanjiri: the townspeople ~ed into the square, penduduk bandar itu membanjiri medan tersebut; complaints ~ed into the editor’s office, aduan-aduan membanjiri pejabat editor; 4. spill, melimpah: when she drew the curtains, bright sunlight ~ed into the room, apabila dia membuka langsir, cahaya matahari yg terang melimpah masuk ke dlm bilik itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effervesce | vi 1. membuih: lemonade ~s when poured out, air lemonad membuih apabila dituang; 2. (fig.) meluap-luap, melimpah ruah: she was absolutely effervescing with happiness, kegembiraannya sungguh meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
subscription | n 1. amount of money contributed to charity, sumbangan: ~s to the Hospital Appeal are pouring in, sumbangan kpd Rayuan Hospital sedang melimpah-limpah masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
agglomerate | vt 1. cause to collect in a mass, menyebabkan [sst] terkumpul, mengumpulkan: the flooding river ~d mud on its banks, air sungai yg melimpah itu menyebabkan lumpur terkumpul di tebing-tebingnya; 2. (tech) mengaglomeratkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hiss | vi 1. ( of snake, escaping gas) berdesis; 2. (of steam, water on a hot surface) berdesir: the water ~ed when it overflowed onto the hot stove, air itu berdesir apabila melimpah ke atas dapur panas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |