coil | vi 1. wind in loops, a. (of stair, smoke) melingkar: a spiral stair ~ed up to the second floor, tangga pilin melingkar ke tingkat dua; b. (of snake) berlingkar, berbelit; (of cat) melingkar: the snake ~ed round the tree, ular itu berlingkar pd pokok; 2. move in a winding course, mengalir berliku-liku:the river ~s through the wide plain, sungai itu mengalir berliku-liku melalui dataran yg luas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
coil | ~ up, a. lie in curled position, melingkar: the cat ~ed up in the corner of the kitchen, kucing itu melingkar di sudut dapur: b. see vi (sense 1. a.); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |