encompass | vt 1. encircle, melingkungi: the building was ~ed by high walls, bangunan itu dilingkungi tembok tinggi; 2. surround, a. mengelilingi, mengepung:it was reported that the enemy had ~ed the city-state, dilaporkan bahawa pihak musuh telah mengelilingi negara kota itu; b. (fig.) menyelubungi: to be ~ed with doubts, diselubungi keraguan; 3. include, contain, merangkumi: the lectures will ~ all the major topics in this field, kuliah-kuliah itu akan merangkumi semua tajuk utama dlm bidang ini. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
embrace | vt 1. hold closely in the arms, memeluk, merangkul, mendakap: she ~d her daughter tenderly, dia memeluk anaknya dgn mesra; 2. enclose, encircle, melingkari, melingkungi, mengelilingi: an island ~d by the blue waters of the ocean, sebuah pulau yg dilingkari samudera yg biru; 3. >accept eagerly, mengambil (dgn tangan terbuka): he ~d the opportunity to go overseas gladly, dia dgn gembiranya mengambil peluang pergi ke luar negeri; 4. adopt, memeluk:he ~d Islam while he was living in Pakistan, dia memeluk agama Islam semasa dia tinggal di Pakistan;5. include, comprise, merangkum, mencakup, meliputi: the book ~s many different subjects, buku itu merangkum beberapa banyak perkara yg berlainan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halo | n 1. circle of light around moon, sun, halo; 2. circle of light drawn around Christ, saint, gambaran lingkaran cahaya; 3. (fig.) aura of glory etc around so. or st, suasana (+ approp n): the discovery of new documents shattered the ~ of romance surrounding King Arthur, penemuan dokumen-dokumen baru menghancurkan suasana romans yg menyelubungi Raja Arthur; the ~ surrounding kings and queens, suasana kebesaran yg melingkungi raja-raja dan permaisuri. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |