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Kata Terbitan : melintas, melintasi, terlintas,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

acrossprep 1. (rel to motion) from side to side of, a. (road, bridge, etc) menyeberangi, melintasi: to run ~ the road, berlari menyeberangi jalan; b. (body of water) menyeberangi: to swim ~ the channel, berenang menyeberangi selat; c. (extensive stretch of land), (by air) menyeberangi, melintasi; (by land) merentasi, menyeberangi, melintasi: we flew ~ the desert to Egypt, kami terbang ke Mesir menyeberangi padang pasir; d. (field, room, courtyard, etc) melintasi: a dog darted ~ the lawn, seekor anjing meluru berlari melintasi padang;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
crossvt 1. go across, a. (sea, river, etc) menyeberang(i): they ~ed the river by ferry, mereka menyeberang(i) sungai itu dgn feri; b. (road) menyeberang(i), melintas(i): he was knocked down while ~ing the road, dia dilanggar ketika melintas jalan; c. (room, courtyard, field, etc) melintas(i): she ~ed the room to speak to me, dia melintasi bilik itu utk bercakap dgn saya; d. (difficult terrain) merentasi: to ~ the desert, merentasi padang pasir; 2. lie, extend across, a. (an area of land, water, etc) merentasi: not many roads ~ the desert, tdk banyak jalan yg merentasi padang pasir itu; b. (another road, railway line, etc) melintasi, merentangi: the railway track ~ed the main road in the foothills, jalan kereta api merentangi jalan raya di kaki bukit;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gallopvi 1. (of horse) move, ride at a gallop, menderap, mencongklang: the horse ~ed across the field, kuda itu menderap melintasi padang; 2. ride at a gallop, menderapkan kuda: the huntsman ~ed through the woods, pemburu-pemburu itu menderapkan kuda merentasi hutan; 3. hurry, approp v + dgn /pantas, cepat/: the children ~ped down the slope towards the lake, kanak-kanak itu berlari dgn pantas menuruni cerun menuju ke tasik; he usually ~s through his homework, biasanya dia membuat kerja rumahnya dgn pantas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
firm13. compact, padat: the soil around the base of the tree should be ~, tanah di keliling pangkal pokok itu seharusnya padat; 4. strong, forceful, erat: I kept a ~ hold of my daughter’s hand as we crossed the busy street, saya memegang tangan anak saya erat-erat semasa kami melintasi jalan yg sibuk itu; she felt safe in his ~ embrace, dia berasa selamat dlm pelukannya yg erat; 5. not changing, definite, (of decision, offer) muktamad, tegas; (of appointment etc) muktamad, tetap; (of opinion, belief, etc) tegas, kukuh, teguh; (of news, data, etc) kukuh: we received a polite but ~ refusal, kami menerima penolakan yg sopan tetapi tegas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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