collapse | vt 1. cause to fold up, melipatkan: he ~d the table, dia melipatkan meja itu; 2. (med) meruntuhkan: the surgeon ~d the patient’s lung for the operation, pakar bedah meruntuhkan paru-paru pesakit itu utk dibedah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
so | adj, adv & conj 1. also like ~, (colloq) in this way, like this, begini, seperti ini, macam ini: you have to make a bridge with your hand, ~, harus membuat jambatan dgn tangan, begini; then she simply folded her legs, ~, and fell asleep, kemudian dia melipatkan kakinya, begini, dan tertidur; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |