bound2 | vi 1. move by leaps, melonjak-lonjak, melompat-lompat, meloncat-loncat: the children came ~ing into the playground, kanak-kanak itu melonjak-lonjak masuk ke taman permainan; 2. bounce, melantun, memantul, mengambul: the ball ~ed against the wall, bola itu melantun ke dinding. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bound2 | n 1. a jump upwards or forwards, membingkas: he was out of the door in one ~, dia membingkas keluar dr pintu itu; 2. bounce, lantunan, pantulan, ambulan; 3. sudden pronounced sense of excitement, perasaan yg melonjak-lonjak; give a ~, melonjak(-lonjak): his heart gave a sudden ~ when he saw her, hatinya melonjak dgn tiba-tiba apabila dia melihatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dance | vi 1. move in rhythmical steps, menari; (ballroom style) berdansa, menari: they ~d till midnight, mereka menari sehingga larut malam; 2. move in lively way, a. (of person) melonjak-lonjak, meloncat-loncat: to ~ with joy, melonjak-lonjak kegirangan; b. (of shadow, leaf, boat, etc) menari-nari: leaves dancing in the wind, daun-daun yg menari-nari ditiup angin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |