boil2 | ~ over, a. overflow by boiling, meruap: the milk is ~ing over, susu itu sedang meruap; b. (colloq) become angry, marah meluap-luap, meluap-luap kemarahan, meruap-ruap darahnya: he ~ed over on hearing the news, dia marah meluap-luap apabila mendengar berita itu; c. (colloq) become out of control, meluap-luap: the argument ~ed over into a serious fight, perdebatan itu meluap-luap menjadi perkelahian yg sunggguh-sungguh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bubble | ~ (over) with (joy, anger, etc ), meluap-luap: Asmah was bubbling over with enthusiasm, keghairahan Asmah meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
effervesce | vi 1. membuih: lemonade ~s when poured out, air lemonad membuih apabila dituang; 2. (fig.) meluap-luap, melimpah ruah: she was absolutely effervescing with happiness, kegembiraannya sungguh meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
burn | 7. be filled with strong feeling, a. (with anger) berapi-api, meruap-ruap, meluap-luap: to ~ with anger at st, marah berapi-api krn sst; b. (with shame) berasa /amat, sangat/ [malu]: she ~ed with shame, dia berasa amat malu; c. (with impatience, zeal) meluap-luap: ~ing with impatience, meluap-luap dgn perasaan tdk sabar; d. (with strong desire, revenge) membara: the desire for revenge ~ed inside him, keinginan utk membalas dendam membara dlm dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afire | adj & adv 1. terbakar: the house was ~, rumah itu terbakar; set (st) ~, membakar sst; 2. (fig.) meluap-luap, berapi-api: he was ~ with enthusiasm for the proposed project, semangatnya thdp projek yg dicadangkan itu meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
feeling | 6. sentiment, perasaan: ~s ran high during the last elections, perasaan meluap-luap semasa pilihan raya yg lalu; 7. opinion, pendapat, perasaan: what are your ~s on the matter?, apakah perasaan kamu ttg perkara itu?; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
intensify | vi (become stronger, more acute) menjadi bertambah hebat; (worsen) menjadi bertambah buruk; (of anger) makin /menjadi-jadi, meluap-luap/: the tension in the Gulf has intensified, ketegangan di Teluk menjadi bertambah hebat; his anger intensified, kemarahannya menjadi-jadi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deadly | adj 1. fatal, lethal, (boleh) membawa maut: the poison of the taipan is ~, bisa ular taipan boleh membawa maut; a ~ disease, penyakit yg boleh membawa maut; 2. implacable, a. (of enemy, foe) ketat: ~ enemies, musuh ketat; b. (of feeling) meluap-luap: ~ hatred, kebencian yg meluap-luap; ~ vengeance, dendam kesumat; 3. with aim to kill, destroy, bermati-matian: to be locked in ~ combat, terlibat dlm pertarungan bermati-matian; 4. deathlike, a. (of paleness, pallor) spt mayat: a ~ paleness spread over her features, wajahnya beransur-ansur pucat spt mayat; b. (of silence) sepi; c. (of stillness) sesepi-sepinya; 5. excessive, sangat: he was in ~ haste to leave town, dia sangat tergesa-gesa hendak meninggalkan bandar itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brim | ~ over (with st) a. melimpah-ruah; (of tears) berlinangan: the bath ~med over and flooded the floor, air mandi itu melimpah-ruah lalu membanjiri lantai; her tears ~med over and streamed down her face, air matanya berlinangan lalu meleleh di mukanya; b. (fig.) meluap-luap: she was ~ming over with happiness, kegembiraannya meluap-luap. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flare | n 1. bright, unsteady flame, nyala (api): we saw a ~ as she lit the gas, kami ternampak nyala api ketika dia mencucuh gas; 2. (signal) suar; 3. (of garment) gradual widening, kembang: a skirt with a ~, skirt kembang; ~s, seluar kaki kembang; (colloq) seluar bell bottom; 4. sudden outburst of emotion, approp n + meluap-luap: ~ of jealousy, rasa cemburu yg meluap-luap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |