acquaint | vt; ~ os with, (mencuba) memahami, memaklumi: he will need time to ~ himself with his new duties, dia memerlukan masa utk memahami tugas-tugas barunya; ~ so. with st, memaklumkan sst kpd sso: to ~ so. with the facts of the case, memaklumkan fakta kes tersebut kpd sso; to ~ so. with the new methods of production, memaklumkan kaedah-kaedah baru pengeluaran kpd sso; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
acknowledge | 5. admit receipt of, /memberitahu, memaklumi/ sso telah menerima: to ~ (receipt of) a letter, memberitahu telah menerima surat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instruct | vt 1. teach, mengajar: he had a tutor to ~ him in mathematics, dia diajar matematik oleh seorang tutor; to ~ new recruits, mengajar rekrut baru; 2. direct, order, menyuruh; (formally, officially) mengarahkan: “now, lift your right hand,” he ~ed her, “sekarang, angkat tangan kananmu,” dia menyuruh wanita itu; I’ve been ~ed to wait here with you, saya diarahkan supaya tunggu di sini bersama-sama puan; 3. inform officially, memberitahu, memaklumi: the judge ~s the jury as to the points of law, hakim memberitahu juri ttg perkara-perkara yg bersangkut dgn undang-undang; 4. (leg.) employ (solicitor) melantik. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |